Would you mind posting a screenshot of your custom fan profile please? I'm not liking mine much, and it would be nice to see what other people are doing.
I'm on my phone ATM but when I get back to the PC I will sort a screenshot out.
I don't know if any of this info is going to help any of you but after a good 4 days benching and oc'ing my 290 this is what I've learned,
If you flash to the Asus 290 bios, uninstall your amd drivers and then do a safe mode run of ddu uninstaller, then a clean install of your drivers after you've flashed the new bios
Don't touch amd overdrive.
Oc the voltage if you need/want to using GPU tweak but don't use it for the clock speeds, also don't leave the program running when gaming.
Oc the clock speeds using afterburner.
Save your best clock speeds to a profile DONT let afterburner apply them at startup.
The last point is the most important in my experience with the 290 if you let ab apply the clocks at startup the black screens show up in games if you apply the OC yourself at least for me this eliminates the black screens.
A custom fan profile helps these cards massively I wish vbe bios editor worked with them so I could save mine to the bios. A 50% fan speed which is almost identical to a 48% fan which you get at stock is a lot more efficient at cooling the cards and helps prevent throttling.
The elpida ram does seem to not like been over clocked but as of right now we cant control the memory voltage I've got a feeling it needs more volts to play nice.
Here is the custom fan profile I am using for stock and overclocked,