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Poll: ** The AMD VEGA Thread **

On or off the hype train?

  • (off) Train has derailed

    Votes: 207 39.2%
  • (on) Overcrowding, standing room only

    Votes: 100 18.9%
  • (never ever got on) Chinese escalator

    Votes: 221 41.9%

  • Total voters
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I don't think AMD are launching with Vega/Freesync 1080ti/GSync blind test results in order to make themselves look bad, they must have something up their sleeve surely...

this is an AMD launch so anything is possible. We are all here hoping they have something up there sleeves, but it could just be wishful thinking, it's hard to imagine in all this time all they have managed is higher power usage and gtx1080 performance. The leaks so far all point to this being true.
So justification of the price is based entirely on a cost of a monitor lol. If this is the case they are dead lol.

I have a 1080p and a 4k already, why would I also consider purchasing based on freesync monitor? I highly doubt I am the minority.
So justification of the price is based entirely on a cost of a monitor lol. If this is the case they are dead lol.

I have a 1080p and a 4k already, why would I also consider purchasing based on freesync monitor? I highly doubt I am the minority.

It really does look like they have targeted making money outside gaming for this round and are trying to market the gaming Vega the best way they can with what they have.
So will Raja shave his beard off live on stage at SIGGRAPH or just keep growing it for Navi?

If he only shaves it for Navi? LOL

You laugh now but the insane slides are coming ;) :D

No one in their right mind trusts the BS slides from either side now shirley!??
Nvidia's slides for Pascal were spot on, they said the 1080 would be soemthign like 15% faster than the 980ti and that the 1070 would just clip the 980ti.

Not that I would trust nvidia's numbers outright in the future, all depends on the markets. With Pascal Nvidia new they had a clear performance lead and zero competition so being straight ot he point worked. IF Nvidia have a lemon on their hands in the future then the numbers will be very suspect.
I don't think AMD are launching with Vega/Freesync 1080ti/GSync blind test results in order to make themselves look bad, they must have something up their sleeve surely...
If they had something up their sleave they would have just leaked some benchmarks.

Smoke and mirrors means only one thing.
If Vega is a flop it will be a case of repeatedly trying the same thing and expecting a different outcome :s

You're meant to learn from your mistakes, I'm struggling to understand what the plan was, Even the Cylon's plan in Battlestar Galactica made more sense than there's and that's saying something.


HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH Is all I have to say to AMD. I am AMD fanboy but this is just ridiculous. Nobody will buy something that does not perform
the same as a 1080TI what kind of madness is this.:eek:
Maybe they never intended to sell many, What ever happens they won't be coming out of it smelling of roses, that's for sure
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