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Poll: ** The AMD VEGA Thread **

On or off the hype train?

  • (off) Train has derailed

    Votes: 207 39.2%
  • (on) Overcrowding, standing room only

    Votes: 100 18.9%
  • (never ever got on) Chinese escalator

    Votes: 221 41.9%

  • Total voters
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I don't think I can wait that long for Volta. I currently have a 970 and in some games now it struggles at 1200p. Plus my monitor is trash. It's 9 years old.

I also upgraded to a 1700 from a 3570k and in some games like BF1 I now have to cap fps to 60 otherwise it's way to jerky and tears. It still tears even capped and with adaptive vsynch on but it's bearable.

Same boat, though I have a 980 and a 9 year old 1200p monitor :)

If Vega is trash/stupidly expensive I will be looking at a 1080ti at some point I think, thats got more than enough juice for a few years I think.
I don't think I can wait that long for Volta. I currently have a 970 and in some games now it struggles at 1200p. Plus my monitor is trash. It's 9 years old.

I also upgraded to a 1700 from a 3570k and in some games like BF1 I now have to cap fps to 60 otherwise it's way to jerky and tears. It still tears even capped and with adaptive vsynch on but it's bearable.

Vega might be a good move for you then.

I got a 1070 some time ago, up from a 780. So I'm good for now.

Depending on how Vega's performance and pricing comes out, the cut-down 56CU one might be the smart choice.
i remember seeing $1200 for the air-cooled version... the card launched at 1000
I was thinking about the water cooled version but there were a few prices for both cards in different markets that seemed to be pretty similar (vat differences etc). There certainly wasn't a massive reduction in the prices when the cards were finally released.
I don't think I can wait that long for Volta. I currently have a 970 and in some games now it struggles at 1200p. Plus my monitor is trash. It's 9 years old.

I also upgraded to a 1700 from a 3570k and in some games like BF1 I now have to cap fps to 60 otherwise it's way to jerky and tears. It still tears even capped and with adaptive vsynch on but it's bearable.

did you copy me? :p I just moved to a 1700 from a 3570k last weekend. It's with a 390X though which is still pretty good even at 1440p.
AMD has their graphics in the newly updated consoles. With the developers using the AMD technology, the flip to porting over games to PC's should in theory be easier and should benefit AMD in performance, that way.

That's been the line for years now :p

It's been said since day one. The reason why it hasn't happens is because that isn't how games development works. Which means it's not going to happen at all. Games aren't ported.
i just tried to estimate the powerdraw using coolmasters power calculator. its showing 800W for 2x cf vega FE.. does this look correct?

AM4 platform
ryzen 7 1700
2X8 GB ddr4
2x vega FE
1 KB + 1 Mouse
2 X 120mm fans
Great!! no leds on the reference card, always wanted them without leds... just love those minimalistic designs

another angle to the sandbagging theory.. at launch day amd might reveal a full vega with just 1 8-pin connector, you never know

Its more than likely the radeon logo illuminates.

They didn't do a good job with the render of the silver version, the centre fan hub is pushed almost all the way to the right.
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So AMD have clarified that the VEga FE does indeed have all the exact same gaming optimizations that the Gaming Cards have, merely the pro-drivers don't get release day game updates (those updates instead will be rolled in to the next pro release).

This is exactly what occurs with the existing FirePro card, and what happens with the Nvidia Quadro card. youget all the same optimizations, but might not be there the moment a new game is released


And for those daydreamers thinking AMD was sandbagging with Vega FE:

For Vega FE, we anticipate no greater than 3% performance uplift for most games with 17.7.2 at this time, based on our conversations with AIB partners. Some specific applications, like 3DMark 11, will see uplift closer to 10%. This is information from GamersNexus contacts and not from AMD officially.
So AMD have clarified that the VEga FE does indeed have all the exact same gaming optimizations that the Gaming Cards have, merely the pro-drivers don't get release day game updates (those updates instead will be rolled in to the next pro release).

This is exactly what occurs with the existing FirePro card, and what happens with the Nvidia Quadro card. youget all the same optimizations, but might not be there the moment a new game is released


And for those daydreamers thinking AMD was sandbagging with Vega FE:

Yes, but that's a general long-term statement.

Right now, basically all the new hardware features in Vega are turned off. That's a separate (and temporary) issue.
Yes, but that's a general long-term statement.

Right now, basically all the new hardware features in Vega are turned off. That's a separate (and temporary) issue.

Where is the evidence for this? Do you have a reference to back up that statement?

And it seems even if that is right, according to the AIB partners if you switched them on you might see a 3% gain.
Not long left to find out, can't wait to see the special feature Raja mentioned, no idea what it could be but new Vega drivers will increase the performance.

17.7.2 doesn't have anything Vega.
Weakening dollar helps sterling get back on its feet which possibly helps UK pricing to be better then the worse case scenario as Dollar and Sterling are both reserve currencies and likely we find some strength lost from dollar that helps us slightly.

Ideally they have already set the msrp in dollars at some round figure no doubt and possibly UK exchange rate adjusts upwards as we come to import it. I dont know the timescales, maybe this could apply to later 3rd party cards.
We dont even know if its a paper launch or not, but possibly some good luck would be they set it at dollar now which then weakens further making it a cheaper import then


Sterling has been falling a long time but its possible it breaks some negative trend here. If we see 1.334 I'll take that was a good presumption. 1.334 is gap window, the gap being the brexit decline and a 1st gap fill target would be 1.41. Just my guessing but that would be nice timing if sterling could appreciate
Where is the evidence for this? Do you have a reference to back up that statement?

And it seems even if that is right, according to the AIB partners if you switched them on you might see a 3% gain.

The 3% comes from specific game optimisations. In the same way you get random % improvements in new drivers throughout the year.

I'm a bit tired right now, so I'll beg forgiveness for not digging up lots of sources. But you must have seen the stuff about tiled rendering not being turned on, also HBCC clearly isn't being used yet as the minimum-FPS from the FE Vega was nothing special, and also the new pixel-engine, which has up to 8x throughput and is relevant for culling for tessellation and all that, doesn't seem to be on either, because FE Vega is performing similarly to Polaris/Fiji in Tessellation.

There is a bunch of direct evidence out there, but the short version is Vega is not performing as expected within the specific workloads its new features is meant to address. Therefore they're off.
The 3% comes from specific game optimisations. In the same way you get random % improvements in new drivers throughout the year.

I'm a bit tired right now, so I'll beg forgiveness for not digging up lots of sources. But you must have seen the stuff about tiled rendering not being turned on, also HBCC clearly isn't being used yet as the minimum-FPS from the FE Vega was nothing special, and also the new pixel-engine, which has up to 8x throughput and is relevant for culling for tessellation and all that, doesn't seem to be on either, because FE Vega is performing similarly to Polaris/Fiji in Tessellation.

There is a bunch of direct evidence out there, but the short version is Vega is not performing as expected within the specific workloads its new features is meant to address. Therefore they're off.

Here is hoping you are right. Have seen all this myself. There is no way that Vega should perform slightly worse clock for clock compared to Fury X and use so much power doing so. A lot of people think some of these features need to be directly coded for by game devs. I ain't no coder so can't say if true or not. Something is off about this whole Vega release and i can't wait for some answers good or bad.
I definitely don't expect anything more performance-wise from Vega (so basically stock big Vega should match an overclocked GTX 1080 on average) but I don't really know what to expect on price. What they did with Ryzen was make a product that, despite being beaten by certain Intel chips in certain workloads, is great at pretty much everything and even dominating in some areas. How did they price it? Super competitively, making Intel's pricing structure look ridiculous. Vega seems like it's a similar approach; not amazing at gaming or professional workloads, but very good at both. However, whilst Ryzen is a really clever modular design that is cheap to make and is very power efficient, Vega seems like it'll be none of those (HBM2 being the most publicised reason why). So will they bite the bullet and sell it for low profit or will they match nVidia's pricing and accept they won't be taking any market share in the next 12 months?
The 3% comes from specific game optimisations. In the same way you get random % improvements in new drivers throughout the year.

I'm a bit tired right now, so I'll beg forgiveness for not digging up lots of sources. But you must have seen the stuff about tiled rendering not being turned on, also HBCC clearly isn't being used yet as the minimum-FPS from the FE Vega was nothing special, and also the new pixel-engine, which has up to 8x throughput and is relevant for culling for tessellation and all that, doesn't seem to be on either, because FE Vega is performing similarly to Polaris/Fiji in Tessellation.

There is a bunch of direct evidence out there, but the short version is Vega is not performing as expected within the specific workloads its new features is meant to address. Therefore they're off.

On the overall performance envelop though things like tiled rendering have limited impact - one area it might help Vega is power consumption as these techniques can reduce the amount of work you are having to do to get the same result - between the memory (bandwidth) and processor (GPU) utilisation savings it might be part of why Vega is using a lot of power now (though it would still suck for the size of the node it is on) as could potentially see a decrease of about 15% in power used for rendering the same scene if it was a case of optimisations like that on and off.
The 3% comes from specific game optimisations. In the same way you get random % improvements in new drivers throughout the year.

I'm a bit tired right now, so I'll beg forgiveness for not digging up lots of sources. But you must have seen the stuff about tiled rendering not being turned on,

I read tjhat stuff, but there is absolutely zero evidence that the Tile-based rendering was switched off in games. It was all random nonsense from various fanboys and delusion types. The fact i there is a specific application that uses some unoffical coding hacks that potentially shows the existence of TBR on Maxwell and Pascal architectures. There is zero evidence that the same hacks would work on a different architecture, especiall soemthign form a different IHV. And then there is the fact that a TBR mode liekly has driver enabeld witches for different applications to maintain compatibility. It is unliekly that some internet nerd's hacky nvidia application to detect TBR on Nvidia hardware would be enabled in AMD drivers for AMD GPUS. While actually playing games there is zero evience if TBR was on or off.

also HBCC clearly isn't being used yet as the minimum-FPS from the FE Vega was nothing special,

and also the new pixel-engine, which has up to 8x throughput and is relevant for culling for tessellation and all that, doesn't seem to be on either, because FE Vega is performing similarly to Polaris/Fiji in Tessellation.
8x is some theoretical number AMD has used for marketing purposes. Real-world performance is liekly very different. Vega is still likely heavily constrained in geometry because it still only has 4 compute units with 1 geometry processor each, AMD should have moved to a 8x512 design.

There is a bunch of direct evidence out there, but the short version is Vega is not performing as expected within the specific workloads its new features is meant to address. Therefore they're off.
No, there is zero evidence out there. Just wild speculation based on zero evidence.

And if some aspects of the Vega FE are not running correctly there is zero evidence that RX vega will be any different.
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