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Poll: ** The AMD VEGA Thread **

On or off the hype train?

  • (off) Train has derailed

    Votes: 207 39.2%
  • (on) Overcrowding, standing room only

    Votes: 100 18.9%
  • (never ever got on) Chinese escalator

    Votes: 221 41.9%

  • Total voters
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Well from what I understand there wasn't much interest in pushing adaptive sync tech when nVidia was trying to get it introduced - it was only after they went away and made their own version VESA suddenly started to do anything.

You could be right but AMD seemed to know it was coming at some point as between designing the Tahiti core and Hawaii core they went from supporting Adaptive sync for video only and then onto full support. This would have been done well before Nvidia had G-Sync on the market. Nvidia would have known about it too. Lets be honest Nvidia said lets get this to market first and gain some share before the open standard hit's. It's genius tbh and they never miss a trick as G-Sync was shown to be better when Freesync launched. I don't think that's the case now but mud sticks in the tech world as we all know. Freesync 2 should set the record straight here. I still think Nvidia will support it at some point as going forward i can see just about every monitor and even TV's are going to have it soon enough. Consoles will also have support at some point which can only make Adaptive Sync and AMD gpu's a must to enjoy the tech.

grab the popcorn for the comedy event :)

Ahh well lets wait and see. Hopefully this is a launch and we will get to see all these new features in action. Hopefully not just another side by side comparison and a few words that tell us nothing.
I am sure it will be golden bro. 1080 performance at 1080 prices will be what I expect and that will do nicely for those with Freesync screens. Hopefully they have done some sandbagging with the FE and the RX will be Ti performance :)

I can live with 1080 performance as long as the price reflects that, I wont be mugged off nor will I be going any higher than £400. But because of my limit for this card, I see this as a card I wont be prepared to bend over for. There isn't a hope in hell top Vega will come in under that price, not the way GPU's are priced these days. I can honestly see myself just losing interest in PC now if this thing is a flop, will just stick all that money towards an XB1X and re-evaluate next year when Volta arrives. This is last straw for me and AMD GPU's.
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Am I the only one here who doesnt care about gsync, freesync, hdr, 4k ?

I dont game on a sofa far from my screen, just hate that type of experience.
I have used HDR for a decade already in pc gaming, it is not new like sony and co are trying to make out. Its been around since the early 80s.
gsync and freesync are only useful if you have a framerate different to your refresh rate multiplier. The question is why are people playing in such a way? I play at either 30fps or 60fps on a 60hz screen.
I think pixel count is a false economy, it does wonders for slowing gpu's down, but not that great for improving image quality. As resolutions get higher and higher, you hit a point of diminishing returns, I only got a 1440p monitor for desktop real estate, the fact I game at 1440p is only for that reason now. I have noticed no visual improvement over my previous 1050p resolution, however things like lighting affects, sggssaa, tessellation et. "do" make a meaningful difference to visuals. I always prefer lower resolution with max graphics settings vs higher resolution with things turned down.

So to me buying a slower hotter, more power hungry card just so I can use freesync sounds barmy.
I noticed a huge difference at 1440 over 1080, very surprised you can't see it. Everything looks so much better at 1440.
Am I the only one here who doesnt care about gsync, freesync, hdr, 4k ?

I dont game on a sofa far from my screen, just hate that type of experience.
I have used HDR for a decade already in pc gaming, it is not new like sony and co are trying to make out. Its been around since the early 80s.
gsync and freesync are only useful if you have a framerate different to your refresh rate multiplier. The question is why are people playing in such a way? I play at either 30fps or 60fps on a 60hz screen.
I think pixel count is a false economy, it does wonders for slowing gpu's down, but not that great for improving image quality. As resolutions get higher and higher, you hit a point of diminishing returns, I only got a 1440p monitor for desktop real estate, the fact I game at 1440p is only for that reason now. I have noticed no visual improvement over my previous 1050p resolution, however things like lighting affects, sggssaa, tessellation et. "do" make a meaningful difference to visuals. I always prefer lower resolution with max graphics settings vs higher resolution with things turned down.

So to me buying a slower hotter, more power hungry card just so I can use freesync sounds barmy.

You're right it would be barmy so for a lot of us price will make or break Vega. If you asked me a couple of months ago whether I'd be happy going back to not having adaptive sync I'd of said No. However, I sold my Fury pro a couple of months ago and at the time I was going to grab a Polaris card to play around with while waiting for Vega, This happened around the same time as the Mining took off and gpu shortages hit so I was forced to buy a 6gb 1060. Since then I've had no problems due to using the Nvidia card with the Freesync panel, I've often seen post's from user's that were having problem's using an AMD gpu with a G-sync monitor but thankfully it does not appear to be the same the other way around so I'm not that concerned if Vega's a bust. After all one of the reason's I went with Freesync was so if I did choose to buy an Nvidia card I wouldn't be too concerned about having wasted hundred's of pounds on an adaptive sync tech I wouldn't be using which would be the case if I'd gone with G-sync.
I could have sworn maxwell was capable too. Because of that rumor nvidia was going to release a driver to support adaptive sync. But it never happend.

You're probably getting it confused with asynchronous compute, which nVidia did state on a slide that it would be supported in Maxwell (but never materialised)
Well i just installed it last night and my god what a positive difference it made to be back on win7 for now. BF1 was buttersmooth with no issues, havent had that it a long while.

Glad you give a it a shot :)

I still Love win 7 with passion its like a modern XP of its day...Win 10 i have a troublesome relationship with ...she seems to want to spy on me all the time ...yes boot times are quicker on 10 but this is mainly down to fast boot enabled which can cause issues with another OS drive in your pc i suspect boot.ini at fault. you can get caught up in a chkdsk loop disable fast boot ..all is good

"Try turning Win10's "Fast Startup" feature off: http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4...dows-10-a.html"

but overall i feel win 7 generally feels more responsive as a whole...I do a ton of audio work and for me win 7 gives better overall DPC than 10 even when stripping process's down to a bare minimum on both oS Win 7 wins all the time .. ..
re games
Most games run better on 7 too but there are exceptions TOTAL war warhammer runs much better on win 10 for me ..But i use both but 95% of the time i use 7..

Sry chaps for going off topic..
What's the backlight bleeding issues like on the ROG? I saw nightmare inducing stuff on the batches from the first few months.

As for Acer, I tend you avoid them after they got their 15 dead pixel policy. Anything under 15 dead pixels is considered fine. Thankfully I ordered from Rainforest at the time and they got me a refund on the monitor I had at the time.
Mine has a bit of BLB but nothing to worry over it is in the 4 corners but not bad. My Dell IPS was horrendous for it
I don't care for g-sync/freesync either. I don't care because you have to lock yourself to one vendor. I'll care as soon as that restriction is lifted, till them, lived without it for the years before it was around, I'll survive without it now. Locking card/monitor together is absurd.
Yes locking card to monitor is annoying and anti-consumer, but that's nvidia for you.
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