Think I'll go have a fry up tomorrow.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s4t5iPSihVRwuB_XnbsiW9w!2e0
Be sure wear a suit and look miserable.
Think I'll go have a fry up tomorrow.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s4t5iPSihVRwuB_XnbsiW9w!2e0
Every year there is at least one person that stands out as competent. Not this year however :/
Every year there is at least one person that stands out as competent. Not this year however :/
A Norman village shoot for a car advert.
Lord Sugar went on to say how things would be different were he to take over the BBC, claiming his first order of business would be “kicking out” half of the “suits” behind the scenes.
He said: “[I would] keep the workers and shut down a lot of internal bureaucracy.
“It would save hundreds of millions of pounds, and I’d take that money and throw it into the ‘Bake Off’ and ‘The Voice’, compete in the market place and pay presenters what they’re supposed to be paid.
“Then the BBC could come back and be the great broadcaster that it once was.”
Intriguingly, his comments come right before the launch of the new series of ‘The Apprentice’... on the BBC.
I don't understand how they can be so thick, stupid, mentally challenged?
It must be edited to make them look like it?
They can't be this dumb IRL?
It's a combination of factors. When when selecting candidates clearly the producers first priority is to make sure the diversity box is ticked after which they review the applications which have a lot of open ended questions which the producers an insight to see who are the bright, dumb, funny, daft ones and eccentric ones so the show had a variety of personalities. After a short list has been created their then interviewed where with help from psychologists it can be determined which ones will causes the conflict and strife (i.e. the personality clashes you see every week have been engineered on purpose).I don't understand how they can be so thick, stupid, mentally challenged?
It must be edited to make them look like it?
They can't be this dumb IRL?
You should look up the Harry Enfield sketch call 'I Saw You Coming', it might explain a few a things.I'm always amazed by some of the prices of things I'd consider garbage on this show. Like the last episode i watched they bought a stack of dusty old suit cases for £600! Wtf is that all about? I'm pretty sure I have some just like it in the loft, what makes the ones in that shop worth £600? There were other items they bought that to me were just junk and yet they cost thousands and were classed as "good quality items".