So after an hour on Steam I can confirm the stutter issue is still there. Maybe not quite as bad but parts are pretty bad. Just got to the first "hub" and its pretty choppy. Shame really as its a really good game.
To be fair, I wouldnt necessarily blame Gamepass in this instance, they can only put up the build they've been supplied with. Its not like they have an older build and a newer build and have simply decided to put up just the older build. The blame here may well lie at the feet of the Ascent devs rather than Gamepass if they've only supplied an older build to Gamepass.
Slowly getting used to twin sticks control, but my right stick control is as good as my left arm throws. Wonky and poorly executed...
Only thing stopping me doing mkb is the need to hold two WASD keys for most of the movement. (and also the desire to get better with twin stick)
Use the taxi feature.
How does one do this? You mean the metro?
Nope. Press 'T' on the keyboard and choose a destination. You don't unlock it straight away, few story missions in I believe.
Edit; actually, it seems like it is actually pretty far in you unlock it, so super-walking-simulator-2000 is still relevant.
Is it possible to get those energy weapons that some of the elite groups carry? Or am I stuck with endlessly upgrading the weapons I’m already carrying?
I maxed health out as a priority. That seemed to make the early bosses pretty easy. Not sure what to focus on next. Bullet spread seems like a go to seeing as I’m mostly using the assault rifle.
I think you get energy weapons fairly early as they are powerful against androids which you fight.
Neat-o. I haven’t gotten that far yet. I only recently noticed the level requirement above missions - I suspect I lucked out on a few of the side missions.
Are the dx12 issues fixed on launch?
Im getting over 100fps at 4k with everything maxed on a 3090 but I have noticed that big explosions dont cause a drop in frame rate but an actual pause for a second.