The ASRock thread [support/feedback/etc]

No OC formula on X370 I asked Nick this already. Nicks focus is X299. I totally agree AsRock OCF Z77 Z87 Z97 and Z170 one of the best boards for OC no matter what price.
No OC formula on X370 I asked Nick this already. Nicks focus is X299. I totally agree AsRock OCF Z77 Z87 Z97 and Z170 one of the best boards for OC no matter what price.

Looking forward to seeing your take on the Taichi, thats my personal board of choice. Im currently waiting for the BIOS's to settle down and the Windows patch etc before i take the plunge, but i will be buying the Taichi.
No OC formula on X370 I asked Nick this already. Nicks focus is X299. I totally agree AsRock OCF Z77 Z87 Z97 and Z170 one of the best boards for OC no matter what price.

I concur on the Z170 Formula OC. I have it and is a great board :)
Very beautiful one with the yellow touches also
hopefully my asrock professional gaming fatality (or what ever it is called) should ship tomorrow. Love the fact its very future proof with a 5GB lan port as well as all the same mosfets and caps as the taichi....
No OC formula on X370 I asked Nick this already. Nicks focus is X299. I totally agree AsRock OCF Z77 Z87 Z97 and Z170 one of the best boards for OC no matter what price.
:( that is a shame. maybe after x299 :p am4 is suppose to be out till 2020 right so there is hope yet!
I am also testing z270 Taichi. Nick recommend that one to me as the best z270 asrock for ln2.

So far the X370 Taichi seems solid. Clocking cpu nice and stable.
has anybody had any dealings with the x370 k4 board? the on which is £150? im not sure if i should choke up some more money for the Taichi
Ive heard good things about oc on thr taichi so if its ocs you want. However looks like the Taichi is going to be delayed for another week yay ;D
Not long left to find out if I've a new toy to play with over the weekend... chances are looking slim. :(.
I do think the 10th is a placeholder date. I read in a few places that motherboard availability would be 2 weeks behind CPU availability so I think next week will be when they start shipping.
Waiting for my Taichi to ship too. Now questioning if I scale back to a K4. One of my reasons was the onboard WIFi. Anybody know what the separate M2 WIFI module cost is for Asrock?
Designed with 16 Power Phase design is the reason I want it .. :p

asrock are here for support not sure they know shipping times or volume to who ....
more of a bug thing me thinks
Yeah that too, though reading up on OC on Reddit people are getting as high on B350 (someone posted a verified 4.2ghz 1700, Prime) as the X370 with much fewer phases.

On this range of processors i don't think they're demanding top tier kit. But with AM4 being around for a while i guess a 1900/2000X may be different.
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