The Asus ROG SWIFT PG278Q – a 27” 1400p 144Hz Monitor with G-SYNC

Maybe you should get her to help you paint it!

I know SLI has come on a long way since the 6 series, but i'd be interested on how well it works with gsync.
It's just the bloody TN aspect still keeping me back. I've only used ips and VA for the last 5 years, so I'm just really skeptical going by what other people say.
I guess the only way I can truly know about TN is to get one and judge for myself.

Order one. If you don't like it, then send it back. But put £700 spare, because you won't send it back. It's impressive for a TN panel.
I've got an emitter and glasses barely used Greg. You like?

Yes please :)

Order one. If you don't like it, then send it back. But put £700 spare, because you won't send it back. It's impressive for a TN panel.

Couldn't agree more. Just had a quick play on Crysis 3 with everything maxed out and it made my jaw hit the floor. Incredible experience in this crap game (but looks stunning) :)
Order one. If you don't like it, then send it back. But put £700 spare, because you won't send it back. It's impressive for a TN panel.

Couldn't agree more. Just had a quick play on Crysis 3 with everything maxed out and it made my jaw hit the floor. Incredible experience in this crap game (but looks stunning)


Gaaah :)
Think I may have to. I just know that if I do, possibly this week, then there will be a proper announcement and release date about 120hz ips screens. But will they have Gsync built in? I've got a feeling they won't for a while.
As said it's really the gsync appealing to me the most.
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Greg you had a 4k Samsung. If you had to pick 4k or rog Swift which one would you keep long term?

Without doubt, the Swift. I loved the Samsung 4K and had no intention of going backwards to 1440P but after playing a few games, the smoothness is unbelievable. A little early to pass final judgement after only having the monitor for a couple of hours but if i could record and play back how sweet things run, more people would jump on this.

Crysis 3 I was getting around 65-85 fps with everything maxed out and not a single bit of stutter or tearing and it just looked like watching a film. I am running Tri-SLI Titans mind but I will do some proper single card testing to see how that fairs later on.

First impressions though are "A game changer" and I just need The Witcher 3 to put me in gaming heaven :)
Maybe you should get her to help you paint it!

I know SLI has come on a long way since the 6 series, but i'd be interested on how well it works with gsync.

Sli works flawlessly with or without gsync :)

As for 3d, from what I've tested only one game won't play ball and that's assetto corsa, May be to do with game settings though as I could only select 2560x1440@119hz.

Oh and I can't get crysis 2 to run full stop, the 1.9 patch fails to install.
Good enough for me, took the plunge and ordered. Holding off on a second 780 though



So, I have done some decent testing over the past few hours and I have found that anything below 30fps looks bad (as expected) but anything over 30 fps looks very good. ideally it seems 45-60 fps is the sweet spot. Anything over that is a bonus.

I did some heavy testing in Tomb Raider as it pans around slowly and this has always been where weaknesses have shown for me in dropped frames.

Has anyone else found similar or differing experiences?
Where are you getting <30fps on three Titans?

I've had the same as you, but I've never been able to stand anything less than 30fps. Games where you can hit mega FPS just look amazing though, haven't seen motion handled so well since the CRT days. :)
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Where are you getting >30fps on three Titans?

I've had the same as you, but I've never been able to stand anything less than 30fps. Games where you can hit mega FPS just look amazing though, haven't seen motion handled so well since the CRT days. :)

I dropped to a single card and put everything to max in Tomb Raider on a non boosting BIOS.
Yeah it's an totaly amazing monitor in every way, the perfect colours + g-sync together with 1440P for me is a total game changer, my jaw drops every day as soon I boot up a game, it's that amazing :D

And guys, test out Crysis 2 with the Maldo Highres texture pack, you will be in heaven, crazy super high res crispness :D
Yeah it's an totaly amazing monitor in every way, the perfect colours

*Disclaimer: The above may be a slightly biased 'purchasers' review* :)

It doesn't have perfect colours. They're really, really good for a TN panel, but they aren't perfect.
Greg, did you get fed up waiting on the Acer GSync or did you change your mind ?

Got fed up of waiting if I am honest and I could see myself losing the plot if the Acer had another delay :D

Glad I jumped now though.

Also, I agree with Worthy on the colours. IPS is better but these are still amazing for a TN. I need to fiddle a bit to get some nice deep colours still, as I haven't overly played with those settings as of yet.
Yeah it's an totaly amazing monitor in every way, the perfect colours + g-sync together with 1440P for me is a total game changer, my jaw drops every day as soon I boot up a game, it's that amazing :D

And guys, test out Crysis 2 with the Maldo Highres texture pack, you will be in heaven, crazy super high res crispness :D

Any pointers on actually getting crysis 2 to install the 1.9 patch? Install shield crashes every time for me, really want to give 3d a blast with this monitor on c2.

Edit: never mind, let me try install the steam version not the origin version and see if that helps.
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I am pretty sure there's only a single input, but as I'd really like one of these can anyone confirm?

I work from home 3 days a week and use a KVM switch for my work laptop. The laptop has as displayport output, but KVMs supporting this are hugely expensive and would probably break g-sync anyway.

I therefore need to be able to switch between inputs for the monitor to be any use.
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