The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

it did just a bit less was testing different settings thoughout today but needed some real data to see if changes actually helped.

they helped spilt the better players better but overal tickets only changed a little..
the biggest difference was amount of time before your next move. this has been reset to what i had it.

- increased the amount of time after you have been moved back to what it was :)

Argh right thanks :). Was worried it was something the patch had introduced. Wouldn't care if it swapped entire squads but moving one person from a squad sucks as they can hear us planning on TS :D.

Patch wise I'm unimpressed;
Sraw is pointless now
well keep clans in squads is now reactivated however a limit is now set on how many clans members 1 clan be on the same team. for balance issues.

we had a few 14+ member clans kill the server. they will now be spilt up.

as you can imagine it takes lot of tweaking to get correct just finding that balance :)
Things always feel a bit weird after major balance patches, I'm going to reserve my judgement for now. Still had a blast this evening, cheers guys. :)

The mortar reload cooldown on spawn seems excessive, but it just means you can't use it in a fast paced TDM, it's still a beast when you have deployed it in conquest.
Same goes for the ammo and medi kit, it doesn't look like you can use them immediately on spawn either.
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That's fair enough. May I ask what the cap is so we don't trigger it and we can find another server to play in while over cap?

I wouldn't fancy trying to keep everyone happy.
That's fair enough. May I ask what the cap is so we don't trigger it and we can find another server to play in while over cap?

I wouldn't fancy trying to keep everyone happy.

From memory 2 full squads
Its still just testing to see if it helps
Might revert if affect is minor

Testing one feature at a time to get the right balance for everyone
I want to promote squad play but at same time not kill it for pub players too
Give me some feedback on the changes and we can work together to get a balance

Joshes workaround will work but if abused I will have to fix it which is very easy to do.

I want you all together playing so give me feedback and we can get it right
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From memory 2 full squads
Its still just testing to see if it helps
Might revert if affect is minor

Testing one feature at a time to get the right balance for everyone
I want to promote squad play but at same time not kill it for pub players too
Give me some feedback on the changes and we can work together to get a balance

Joshes workaround will work but if abused I will have to fix it which is very easy to do.

I want you all together playing so give me feedback and we can get it right

Just didn't want to annoy you with whinging too much :D.

I can understand it will be a nightmare getting balance correct without annoying people. Obviously we don't want to kill a server but some of the OCUK guys are OP lol.

Oo we should get an AUK vs OCUK going :D.

Edit: has anyone else noticed randomly the wasd keys don't work properly. Every so often I'll be running forward whilst pressing A then suddenly I stop strafing left and I have to release and repress the key to get it to move.
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^^I had that problem before!

haha - its quite funny reading some of the comments on the BL forum regarding the update. a lot of people complaining about elevated positions being removed so snipers can't have an advantage! All I can say to that is good!! There were far too many snipers camping anyway :)
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Lol it's an amazing gun in BF4. You just need to be able to control the recoil.

Good overview by xfactor

Not sure if the balance changes specificly regarding the damage model is why you felt there were reg issues Josh? I like the fact that they have made head-shots more rewarding.
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Edit: has anyone else noticed randomly the wasd keys don't work properly. Every so often I'll be running forward whilst pressing A then suddenly I stop strafing left and I have to release and repress the key to get it to move.

I had this several times last night and I was only playing for an hour or so.

Had fun last night. Kind of.

The ACW-R is now not worth using. Even with a grip the recoil/spread makes it very inaccurate even with very short bursts.

Hit reg does not feel very good for me. Several times I killed people with what looked like delayed reactions in the hit reg and I also died randomly several times from rifle fire when I wasn't even aware I was being shot at.

The SRAW is now very ineffective against anything that, well, moves and I was getting terrible hit reg lag on that too. I would see the impact and it would be a whole second before I got the damage report. In some instances I would see the impact on the target but get no damage at all! :(

Repping also seems bugged. Several times I was repping last night and suddenly a quarter or half of the circle would disappear as if the vehicle had taken more damage and yet it hadn't been hit with anything. Or at leasst there was no sound or noise to indicate an impact. Other times a quarter/third of the bar would disappear, then I would stop repping and start again and it was back again :confused:

Then the team balancing.........

Every match I got moved out of the OCUK squad I was in and kicked to the opposite team. Yet I was one of the weakest players in the team I was originally in. Hence, as with the last map I played last night, the scores still ended up being 500+ tickets to nil. :( Very annoying and it definitely did not feel like 'random'. It was also completely ineffective in balancing the teams.

I will be on again tonight if anyone is about? I will probably be online from around 5PM ish.

I had this several times last night and I was only playing for an hour or so.

Had fun last night. Kind of.

The ACW-R is now not worth using. Even with a grip the recoil/spread makes it very inaccurate even with very short bursts.
I will be on again tonight if anyone is about? I will probably be online from around 5PM ish.

As kiwi points out over 2500 weapon changes. Just about everything you knew about the weapons and attachments has now changed. Grips now have significant downsides for instance. Getting setups you are comfortable with again is going to take a bit of practice.

I'll be on again tonight, had some great fun tanking with Xin and on the pistol and knife server as well as the games with the usual suspects.
Basically what DICE did with this patch was look at all the major issue that need fixing, then ignore them, changed some numbers on guns and nerfed the things that really needed nerfing such as TV misslie (ohhhh boy) and thermal.

They did nerf SRAW which is good tho cos that was OP as hell.
Quite a nice patch,Played Gun master for a round last night and enjoyed it.

As for the AS Val..i managed to unlock it before,Then the server crashed and it was not unlocked on the next server and have not been able to unlock it so far..i hope i can get it soon. :(
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