Edit: has anyone else noticed randomly the wasd keys don't work properly. Every so often I'll be running forward whilst pressing A then suddenly I stop strafing left and I have to release and repress the key to get it to move.
I had this several times last night and I was only playing for an hour or so.
Had fun last night. Kind of.
The ACW-R is now not worth using. Even with a grip the recoil/spread makes it very inaccurate even with very short bursts.
Hit reg does not feel very good for me. Several times I killed people with what looked like delayed reactions in the hit reg and I also died randomly several times from rifle fire when I wasn't even aware I was being shot at.
The SRAW is now very ineffective against anything that, well, moves and I was getting terrible hit reg lag on that too. I would see the impact and it would be a whole second before I got the damage report. In some instances I would see the impact on the target but get no damage at all!
Repping also seems bugged. Several times I was repping last night and suddenly a quarter or half of the circle would disappear as if the vehicle had taken more damage and yet it hadn't been hit with anything. Or at leasst there was no sound or noise to indicate an impact. Other times a quarter/third of the bar would disappear, then I would stop repping and start again and it was back again
Then the team balancing.........
Every match I got moved out of the OCUK squad I was in and kicked to the opposite team. Yet I was one of the weakest players in the team I was originally in. Hence, as with the last map I played last night, the scores still ended up being 500+ tickets to nil.

Very annoying and it definitely did not feel like 'random'. It was also completely ineffective in balancing the teams.
I will be on again tonight if anyone is about? I will probably be online from around 5PM ish.