The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

They've totally screwed this game up, hit detection is all over the place for me. :mad:

I need to look at symthic charts and see what effects derpression has done, since that has been overhauled iirc. Also will look at the recoil/attachment plots.

Underlying engine is pretty rotten - they've masked some of the issues with recent updates but its still pretty bad underneath :S

I've seen some players where literally the engine doesn't even come close to keep up with them.
Me too. Was pumping bullets into people yesterday only for them to turn around and double tap headshot me. My aim isn't great but I was getting no hit markers at all.

It's really ****ed, worst patch ever. I bet someone told Demize to get a grip on twitter and he took it personally and nerfed grips in BF4. Then to promote SWBF they added pew pew tracers. Oh well, back to BF3.
I'm still playing, just have to adjust. Getting better with the AN-94, tis pretty nice. Completed the L86A2, got the mastery dog tag. My 70th weapon mastery tag :). Pretty easy gun to use, though I don't see why you'd ever use it over the LSAT or Type 88, apart from quicker reload.

Want to complete all the jets next then use one of the jet master dogtags, see what the special contrails are like.

If it falls through with getting the details for the OcUK server, can anyone recommend a good service provider to rent a dedi from?

I am thinking of binning my Quake 3 dedi as I'm paying for it and it isn't really getting used. I can then put the money into a BF4 dedi. Don't know the first thing about running a BF4 server but I am sure there will be folks out there who can assist.

Quick look around suggests the cheapest well specced one is £35pcm. However I'd wait to see if we can take control of the OCUK server to save wasting money as its a lot of work running one and getting it popular is hard from reading up. Add in OCUK dominating their own server it would be quiet so probably best to not play on it only admin it.
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Might need to change all your loadouts. All the grips have negative effects now, the flash hider too. I had flash hider + angled/folding grip on quite a few guns, after the patch that is a bad combination for accuracy I think.

This to be honest. The way that guns behaved was basically easy mode with everyone using the same guns and loadout. Making the guns a lot harder to control and rewarding headshots is exactly what BF needed. Changing the way grips behave just adds another layer of complexity and should make the game a little more interesting again.
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