The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Smogsy have a word with ASBO, banned me for saying "badmin lose :P" - I'm doing a chargeback on my donation, all the while you have rubbish admin the server will never be any good.

*edit* scratch that, he's a pleb, no time for pathetic power tripping admins.
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Sorry for my colourful language (which led to my ban) but that SoS game just rattled me right up. That clan AUC or whatever they are called were just bullet sponging and I had to rage at the way I died.

They placed a spwan beacon at our side of the base near A. I camped behind it (behind the balcony at an elevated position) so when they spawned I would kill them. However, after I let the spawn protection pass when they moved I fired my Ak5c into the back of their head and yet that ASBO guy turned around and killed me with a LSAT and walked away with 54% health.

I had to call them bullet sponging *****s because either the patch has done something or they just were.
I'm not unbanning anyone, Everyone that was unbanned before, me putting in the my system.

Josh your donation should be back with you soon..

I'm not the server owner i don't have absolute power but will be appealing joshs ban. in our meeting. even though we had several report of you in the past of being very rude & bad mouthed this time i believe it was unjustified. unfortunately a lot of bad attitude players from ocuk have been with us in the past & your rep has stuck.
Whos Danny? I'll track him down and give him a slap!

Danny is a youtuber who has been very vocal regarding how OP the SRAW is both on reddit and the battlelog forums. He did a few videos which I am sure in some way influenced the nerf.

Regarding the AS Val check this out:


I've been using it for a long time now on maps like Zavod and it is deadly. You need to be selective in terms of how you use it but it really does pack a punch. I can't wait to give it a crack given the new headshot multiplier.

EDIT: Looking at the above stats the CZ 3A1 also looks pretty decent.
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Smogsy ta for the refund, but don't worry about appealing the ban. I like banter and it seems that some of your admin can't take it - banning people due to the actions of others is spineless and pathetic. Allowing people to admin servers who do this is the same.

Your admins need to stop being power crazy and maybe people wouldn't get "rude". The AUK Platoon page is filled with people complaining about the badmins that are running it.

The rate that people get banned, they will be running it (badly) into the ground. I have been on there a few times today and managed to have a laugh with a lot of the AUK lot, sadly though ASBO is a pleb.
i will be appealing it as my system was bypassed. in the meeting it will be discussed if certain things dont get fixed. well we will see.
What did I say on ts last night about auk admins and their servers.... ;)

Smogsy, you are the only one who seems to be a good admin on there but most of them are absolute idiots and I wouldn't be surprised if this ASBO was the guy who did my auto kick... but seriously, you need to remove some of those admins, just take a look at your platoon page, I have never seen so many reports of badmins before and trust me, we have encountered some of the worst admins/platoons ever...

As for this comment:

several report of you in the past of being very rude & bad mouthed this time i believe it was unjustified. unfortunately a lot of bad attitude players from ocuk have been with us in the past & your rep has stuck.

We give as good as we get. None of us initiate any hate, abuse etc. (except stulid..... :p) if we get people whining about them sucking/getting killed be it via, ucav, tank, jet, lb, boat, mortar etc. or throwing out the hackusations then we will type back something although it is usually only along the lines of u mad bro?, mad cos bad?, get rekt, 2ez etc. If people take our "banter" seriously then that is their problem, not ours.

"nobody likes us...and we don't care"

and this

ocuk has a great reputation and I am proud of our platoon, we are the CFA of the UK :D The "casuals" can't handle our l33t skills :p
Hey guys, just bought the game last week and I'm having a weird issue with the loadouts on battlelog not transferring to the game.

I set them all up on the website, then when I join the server I've got a default loadout, head back to the website and that's back to default aswell.

Anyone experienced anything similar?
Hey guys, just bought the game last week and I'm having a weird issue with the loadouts on battlelog not transferring to the game.

I set them all up on the website, then when I join the server I've got a default loadout, head back to the website and that's back to default aswell.

Anyone experienced anything similar?

Need to make sure you click 'Apply' top right to make them stick!
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