Yeah not bad, satisfied I suppose with my K/D tonight.
The majority of them seem to be good admins and good players. Along with votemap and voteban I like it, just a shame some of you are banned.
Probably the best explanation I have seen for the new attachments.
You sir are a boss, I saw you go something like 39-3 in a game this morning!
Ok, so can someone explain, in simple terms, what's best to use now? From that video, stubby/potato, laser sight and whatever sight you want?
So for low RPM guns use whatever you want (for me Scar and ace52 it's still Angle + MB), if you want to use an AEK or other high RPM guns at close range only then use Ergo. Stubby/Angled + HB is great for longer range but you have to leave a little more time before your bursts.
Oh and comp is great for high side to side recoil weapons but still have the decreased spread recovery penalty.
edit... ALWAYS use lazer!!!!
Changes to Balance
-More players from same Clan can be on one team
- Fix Top players, now wont be balanced players to the losing team.
Now it will only select weaker players from the bottom 60% of the score board.