The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Always the issue with community run servers - you get badmins on a power trip and they usually play dirty, breaking the server rules themselves etc etc. They also get itchy trigger fingers with the ban hammer when 9 times out of 10 a quiet friendly word with the player will resolve the issue.

I have been a server admin for various games over the years and it is amazing how many people will modify their behaviour if simply reminded what they are doing is not appreciated. Banning someone for 'being gobby' is all well and good but did that player break any rules? Is questioning an admin or having some banter with them against the rules? If it is = bad server. If it isn't but a player is still banned = bad admin. Either way, it's just bad. If I had moderators in any of the servers I have run behaving like that - they would be out on their ear. But then, I dont tend to give those kinds of permissions to server moderators :)

Seen it repeated across many games over the years and it is the single biggest drawback to community dedis :(
Always the issue with community run servers - you get badmins on a power trip and they usually play dirty, breaking the server rules themselves etc etc. They also get itchy trigger fingers with the ban hammer when 9 times out of 10 a quiet friendly word with the player will resolve the issue.

I have been a server admin for various games over the years and it is amazing how many people will modify their behaviour if simply reminded what they are doing is not appreciated. Banning someone for 'being gobby' is all well and good but did that player break any rules? Is questioning an admin or having some banter with them against the rules? If it is = bad server. If it isn't but a player is still banned = bad admin. Either way, it's just bad. If I had moderators in any of the servers I have run behaving like that - they would be out on their ear. But then, I dont tend to give those kinds of permissions to server moderators :)

Seen it repeated across many games over the years and it is the single biggest drawback to community dedis :(

this why i put this system in place, unfortunately this was after the 2 bans above which was 3 months back+
each punish gets you 1 point.
0 warn
1 warn
2 kill
3 kick
4 kick
5 so on.

if our admins dont follow this, well no need for them.
this why i put this system in place, unfortunately this was after the 2 bans above which was 3 months back+
each punish gets you 1 point.
0 warn
1 warn
2 kill
3 kick
4 kick
5 so on.

if our admins dont follow this, well no need for them.

I wasn't specifically talking about your servers - just servers in general.

However - having read the last few pages of this thread and given the information you have just provided, has your admin followed your procedures within the framework of the server rules? If he has, fair enough. But if not - surely the suitability of that particular admin should be bought into question?

I was in the server the other day when one of the OcUK players was banned for 'being gobby'. All he did was make a jovial quip towards an admin. Seemed a bit harsh to ban a player for such behaviour in my eyes, but then I don't run your servers so it is not my call.
I wasn't specifically talking about your servers - just servers in general.

However - having read the last few pages of this thread and given the information you have just provided, has your admin followed your procedures within the framework of the server rules? If he has, fair enough. But if not - surely the suitability of that particular admin should be bought into question?

I was in the server the other day when one of the OcUK players was banned for 'being gobby'. All he did was make a jovial quip towards an admin. Seemed a bit harsh to ban a player for such behaviour in my eyes, but then I don't run your servers so it is not my call.

the person who was 'being gobby' also had 3 previous bans to his name.
but yes all admins use that list.
if they dont i will know as everything is logged into a database every command every chat message everything.
the person who was 'being gobby' also had 3 previous bans to his name.
but yes all admins use that list.
if they dont i will know as everything is logged into a database every command every chat message everything.

What were they for, and furthermore is saying "badmin Lose :P" grounds for a further ban in terms of server rules? I am interested to know which server rule specifically was broken with the above comment to justify the additional ban? Or was it more of a case that the admin just does not like the player and has the power to do something about it?

Just curious really.
Well after some top quality detective work through google, I found a photo of asbo, certainly explains everything now:


previous bans for bad language/abusive, the ban was not for the actual comment of badadmin lose but for the actions previous to that.

i was not actaully their but can see some of what went on from the chat logs.
previous bans for bad language/abusive, the ban was not for the actual comment of badadmin lose but for the actions previous to that.

i was not actaully their but can see some of what went on from the chat logs.

Right so did you ban him again for stuff he had done in the past and already been banned for? Or by 'previous actions' do you mean play/behaviour in the server prior to making that badmin comment?

Admittedly I wasn't really taking any notice of the chat dialog box during that particular map but it seemed like we finished the map - a comment was made and a player was banned for it. Is that not how it happened?
I was banned for saying "badmin lose :P"

The "previous" action you mention would still only be what 2 points? Maybe 3? I don't recall ever having a !punish

The "system" or shambles as we have named it, wasn't put into effect. This is what happens when you give children a keyboard.

I have previously been banned for sticking up for myself and other players when the AUK ban hammer comes into effect.

I won't change, as already stated - plenty of other servers to play on.
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These points work across both servers & stick stay stuck until you are forgiven
everyone currently has 0 points

previous bans for bad language/abusive, the ban was not for the actual comment of badadmin lose but for the actions previous to that.

i was not actaully their but can see some of what went on from the chat logs.

Not trying to nitpick but just wanted clarification.

So the people who were banned before don't have 0 points? Myself included due to adkats?
Not trying to nitpick but just wanted clarification.

So the people who were banned before don't have 0 points? Myself included due to adkats?

Mynight = hero, couldn't be arsed searching for that post. Well done

Just goes to show doesn't it, that the left hand of AUK has no idea what the right hand is doing, sorry smogsy but the right hand has it's fingers up it's bum.
Don't see what is so special about the Anarchy servers anyway. Granted it has active admins who protect against hackers (atleast I hope they do) but apart from that the badmins and the platoon page showing posts from disgruntled gamers goes to show it's another poorly managed server.
Don't see what is so special about the Anarchy servers anyway. Granted it has active admins who protect against hackers (atleast I hope they do) but apart from that the badmins and the platoon page showing posts from disgruntled gamers goes to show it's another poorly managed server.

The majority of them seem to be good admins and good players. Along with votemap and voteban I like it, just a shame some of you are banned :(.
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