The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Hey everyone, just got my new PC yesterday, feel free to add me on origin, I have battlefield 3, 4, and hardline, would 4 get the most playtime nowadays ?

origin ID is Subzero9278 would be nice to play with some of you guys sometime, although I may be a bit rusty
Hey everyone, just got my new PC yesterday, feel free to add me on origin, I have battlefield 3, 4, and hardline, would 4 get the most playtime nowadays ?

origin ID is Subzero9278 would be nice to play with some of you guys sometime, although I may be a bit rusty

Apply to join the PC platoon, then you'll see who is active and you can add them as a friend.

There's also been quite a few of us on the Unofficial TS this week.

Details for both on the first page of the thread. ;)
Will be to make room for a VIP

Most likely correct yes, every kick from a real admin will provide their name too.

Just an update for everyone their now Paid & FREE VIP

Here at Anarchy UK we are consistently making feature enhancements to our servers for you, the player. Over the past few weeks Anarchy have been working on a new VIP system for its members & players. Becoming a VIP is easy,
Their Are two methods Paid & Free!

What are the VIP Features?
- Guaranteed Access, with a Reserved Slot to all Anarchy Servers, No queues unlike BF4 Premium.
- The Automated Chat messages on BF4 Servers will not appear, Votemap will still be available
- VIP status on our Forums
-- custom colours & title showing your VIP status
- VIP status on Teamspeak
--VIP badge to show you have donated to the cause.

The Free method
Help us populate our servers,
Play on our servers when their are 28 players or less.Once the Server is populated at 30 Players,
The server will Say a Similar message in chat.
"Server is now Populated"
After this you will gain 1 Population point.
Gain 4 points in the last 2 week forVIP Status.
this will constantly check for your points & be dynamic. In theory you could have VIP status forever if in the last 2 weeks you got 4 points

This is automatic & works right immediately

This will gain you:
- Guaranteed Access, with a Reserved Slot to all Anarchy Servers, No queues unlike BF4 Premium.
- The Automated Chat messages on BF4 Servers will not appear, Votemap will still be available

The other Features will be not available to Free members

we already have Free VIP Members who have won
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hi all

had some good games this afternoon early evening on the Anarchy servers, im glad the banning gun has been put away abit as it was causing a bit of aggro with OcUK players getting in.

i say keep up the good work

will there be a managed OcUK server?
Only because a certain admin wasn't on :D.

They do have a server but it's unused atm. Afaik one of the guys is trying to get the account details and then we'll go from there.

Who do you play as I don't recognise the name.
As long as they're not ping limited it will be fine :D.

Random thought with these anarchy 2 free vip are you not running the risk of everyone being a vip or member crashing the expedited queue plugin?

Crashing? - no the reserved slot system list was designed by EA. If so its their doing not ours. reserved players don't get a queue. All servers use it. very little give it to their players for free though. something Anarchy now does

Random thought with these anarchy 2 free vip are you not running the risk of everyone being a vip
you would have to populate the server 4 times in last 2 weeks. even then you only keep it while this is relevant. true we could get say 20 players+ who are VIP. if thats the case we would have to increase the number from 4+. but we have to start somewhere. & i think 4 is a good number to show you are really helping us & not just lucking out by joinning.

sure regulars would have a very good chance to get VIP for ever, to that i say hats off to you & thankyou for playing on our servers.

I put the players first. i don't care for politics or bull. I just want our servers to be the server everyone wants to play on. if that means stepping on toes so be it. its about the community & atmosphere creating somewhere people enjoy going.
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Most likely correct yes, every kick from a real admin will provide their name too.

Just an update for everyone their now Paid & FREE VIP

we already have Free VIP Members who have won

Do you not think that kicking the non-premium members would be more suitable?
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