The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

People like xonatic and fanatic were in our squad earlier running tags(6 ocuk people total) but they were both moved. Considering they give nexus a run for his money it's not a score thing either.

Could an admin be moving them?
they could, very unlikely + you would see it in chat they hardly move people + their no log of a force move on him.

you say almost every round. this would match the 50 Minutes limit

think about it:
round 1 40m < no move
round 2 40m < move in last 20 mins
round 3 50m
round 4 40m < move

due to this ive increased it to 85 Minutes should help a fair bit.
should work more like this now [with a bit luck on your side + not being weak ;)]
round 1 40m < moved
round 2 40m
round 3 40m
round 4 50m < moved

let me now how it goes, i want it to be fun for Everyone & i know balancing can be annoying as hell.
Hopefully you like the changes & see im trying to make it balanced and enjoyable for all.
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That stacks up.

Nah I checked the chat logs and could see a forcemove I was wondering if doing it from the procon layer side steps the chatbox, assuming your admins have procon access.

Besides if xonatic hadn't been moved I wouldn't have been able to defib him :p.
hmmmm first game of BF4 for months, it seemed really stuttery which has never been the case previously

Really enjoyed it though, once back off honeymoon, will jump back in for def.
Me aka Xonatic and fanatic only joined on 2nd game.
Fanatic joined on mr_momo56 but was moved to other team. Then i joined on fanatic but ended up on other team in momo's group. So i guess that counts as a move for fanatic? He must have got moved when i was on loading screen.

Then we was fighting at C point where i got a ton of kills and became top of scoreboard in that point of time. Then not long after i was switched to other team so though ok i join fanatic's group.

Then on lockers mr_momo56 was moved to our team. Then next round fanatic was moved.

But zavod was good game. only 44 tickets left to loosing team.
@Mynight. i think it was on lockers you defib me :D well you saved someones backside from being blasted by 870 mcs!
Urggh sorry for the no show again last night.

Will defo be on tonight, I'm getting my glasses tonight after 28 years of avoidance so need to test them on an FPS. If I am as blind as they say these glasses should make be uber elite mlg.
Tanks being addressed in CTE

Features we want to test that will be implemented soon, but haven’t made it in yet:
Damage-specific critical points. If the tank goes below a certain health threshold, its functionality will be diminished significantly until it is repaired - I.E. Mobility critical at 60 health, mobility kill at 40 health, weapon kill at 20 health
Limited boost with a cooldown period.
Making the tank unable to capture points directly (forcing it to be a support element rather than an assault element).

Tank features I would like feedback on specifically:
The viability of the Medic and Ammo spheres. Do they make the team too OP?
The viability of the unlocks for the driver and the gunner. Should we have a tank shell for destruction of buildings?
The current speed and handling of the tank. As a driver, is it too slow? As a victim, can you escape?
The viability of dual countermeasures. Did they give an obvious benefit? Would IR smoke be better than normal smokescreen?

Features I would like to defer feedback on until a later build:
Tank health and critical states.
Tank mobility in the current playspace.
Tank building sequences.
hmmmm first game of BF4 for months, it seemed really stuttery which has never been the case previously

Really enjoyed it though, once back off honeymoon, will jump back in for def.

Congratulations Tony, I didn't know you had just got married. :)

But zavod was good game. only 44 tickets left to loosing team.

I think all the games last night were close and well played by both teams TBH. :)

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :eek::confused::mad:
How will we get our epic points/KDRs ? :D
Imagine if they increased the speed of the tanks :D

They would need to. At the moment a good attack heli pilot can destroy a tank in one pass, but more often than not you are left with <20% health. If the gunner's machine gun is disabled below 20% and the tank is incapacitated, it's got no chance.
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