The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I think they need to nerf Active Protection, if you are below 30% damage and "Critical Damage" then you shouldn't be able to use Active whilst your engi/gunner is repping you.

Below 30% should knock out, Active, thermals/irnv also. Make it seem that not only have you lost the hydraulic movement but also the electrics have gone.
They would need to. At the moment a good attack heli pilot can destroy a tank in one pass, but more often than not you are left with <20% health. If the gunner's machine gun is disabled below 20% and the tank is incapacitated, it's got no chance.

Keyword "Good"

Chances in BF in finding a good pilot is less than 17% based on my strange statistics :p

As a gunner what I'd like is an ejector seat that catapults me 500 ft in the air :eek:
Nexus will be fuming! :p

First they ruin his jets, now they are going for his tank!

Nexus-Bot will not be impressed! :D



:mad: :mad: :mad:

Seriously WTF DICE?! Tanks are fine as they are, if anything they need a ****ing buff!

- roof top maps make it damn difficult to tank already and even more so since the retarded ucav and mortar change, seriously since that patch, roof top camping has gotten even worse now...
- we have plenty of anti-armour weapons, how many rockets, lock on etc. do we get when tanking Josh? At least 5+
- attack helis are a lot more of a threat to tanks now due to their manoeuvrability and the SRAW being made completely useless so if DICE introduce all of that stuff then they need to make tanks A LOT quicker and increase the regen speed for primary ammo

If this makes it into the final game, then I will be back to the good old days of just little bird, love boat (already gone back to this as jets aren't as fun now) and aa whoring


I think they need to nerf Active Protection, if you are below 30% damage and "Critical Damage" then you shouldn't be able to use Active whilst your engi/gunner is repping you.

Below 30% should knock out, Active, thermals/irnv also. Make it seem that not only have you lost the hydraulic movement but also the electrics have gone.

In some ways I agree but in other ways I disagree. If they were to do that then they would need to increase reps repair speed otherwise you don't stand a chance without activ protection when below 30hp, maybe against 1 guy with rpg etc. firing rockets at the front of the tank but any more than that, you might as well just leave the tank as soon as it gets below 30hp unless you have 2+ reppers...

It's fine....he'll just patch it ;) :p

Already in the works! :p

Absolutely amazing mate, thx for asking. Off to Paris at 5am in the morning pffffftttt

Nice! Hope you 2 have a good time! :)


Plus I'm not sure if they have done something to the sabot with the last patch as I have missed a lot of dead easy jet shots, not sure if it is slower and/or more drop?

Also, has this spread stuff affected HMG?
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Yeah I'd say some maps we have between 5-10 people actively trying to take us out with every lock on/ rocket launcher type weapon going. Even the XM25's get in on the act!

This is normally after a Dawnbreak/Rogue map were we have dominated them.
If they want to nerf Tanks they should look at the HMG as its totally OP. I think if they are changing the damage model they need to speed them up. As it stands unless you have a gunner it's quite easy for a LB or Tank to strafe you without you getting an angle on the aircraft.

Agree with Nexus about roof campers. Dawnbreaker, Siege of Shanghai and Zavod come to mind.
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HMG is only OP in the right hands, most players just spam the thing and can't account for the drop and lead.

Even if they didn't touch the damage model etc. they still need to speed tanks up especially the abrams, it is so **** to the other factions tanks.

I have been taken out a fair amount of times by the attack heli now all because of not having a good angle on them (they are able to pull up with ease just after they make their pass on you), although I have come up with a couple of basic methods to try:

1. just activate APS and jump out and RPG them instead
2. equip the AA mines and place them near my tank as I move further up

I wish they would bring out the new siege map design, I love that map and its design but the roof camping is completely killing it for me, probably my most hated map out of every single one except for the abomination known as pearl market....
^^ That's a great idea. Ideally you'd need a gunner to do that so you're not left in the open!

There is a bonus to having a few OcUK squads and I think having the right balance with ground/air troops really helps and will dominate :D
Anyone else feel they are just messing about with stuff for the sake of it now? Attachments, SRAW and now tanks. They were/are fine..... :|
Anyone else feel they are just messing about with stuff for the sake of it now? Attachments, SRAW and now tanks. They were/are fine..... :|

With Hardline being a flop they have to mess with something :p

I cba re-learning after such a drastic change especially when there is much more to come, it just messes with your muscle memory. Once the game is complete after the summer (there is talks of a winter patch also) then I will get back into the game but with SWBF I imagine many will flock to that.

It's hard to imagine the game was released 1st Nov 2013 and 2 years later they are still patching the damn thing.
With Hardline being a flop they have to mess with something :p

I cba re-learning after such a drastic change especially when there is much more to come, it just messes with your muscle memory. Once the game is complete after the summer (there is talks of a winter patch also) then I will get back into the game but with SWBF I imagine many will flock to that.

It's hard to imagine the game was released 1st Nov 2013 and 2 years later they are still patching the damn thing.

There is not really that much relearning to be honest. I'm actually enjoying the game more post patch.

I don't see why they need to screw with tanks though - they are not necessarily OP and are great fun as they are.
:s just got a message in the chatlog my reputation has gone from 0 to 9.9 then got kicked from the game...making room for VIPs??

finding the L85A2 decent after the patch it was ok before but prefered the CZ-805 just need a replacement for my SG553 now when running as a engi
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Is anyone having issue with the game stuttering? I was playing the other day and it was fine, the only difference is an Origin update done today.
Disable origin ingame overlay if you have it enabled - its known to cause stutter and other issues in BF4 from time to time.
My issue with tanks is there is no reason to use anything but active protection in that slot.

I did prefer the bf3 system for reactive armour and disables but i doubt that will return.
:s just got a message in the chatlog my reputation has gone from 0 to 9.9 then got kicked from the game...making room for VIPs??

finding the L85A2 decent after the patch it was ok before but prefered the CZ-805 just need a replacement for my SG553 now when running as a engi

Was that an archly server? My reps at -60 something last I saw :D.
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