The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Very fun games this afternoon lads

Aye, I suck but it was fun. I'm struggling to kill anyone since the patch, hence my TS rage lol. Got some nice double kills a few times though, which for me is impressive! :D

Feels like even though I have the drop on people (which I did many times last night) and I pump 5 rounds into them before they react, they lift their gun and bosh, im dead from a single round - usually a headshot. I am dying from an insane amount of headshots at the moment on AN2, anyone else having that? :( I picked up a support LMG yesterday from a dead enemy and that was a beast! I can get kills with that baby, but it makes me useless for the squad as I can't rep or assist taking down armour :( Booooooo. Although I might just have to say **** the squad, **** them all, ima gunna go get me some LMG kills! :p

Will play a bit more later this afternoon and see if I can find an engi loadout I can work with. Not really feeling the ACE52 or the ACW-R to be honest, but they seem like the go to gun for everyone running engi.

Got one shot on the attack heli between a tiny gap in the building as it raced past. Probably a complete fluke but damn it was satisfying. Was nice having you in the air Westie!

I was there in your tank and I watched it - was deffo a hax shot! :D
Perhaps try some of the PDW's Buffet. The MPX, PDW-R and SR2 are my new favorites. The AN-94 on burst mode is a headshot machine I'm afriad. It fires 2 rounds at 1200 RPM basically in the same place so if you are able to aim for the head its really powerful but not as forgiving in other circumstances.
MP7 is beastly also.

I can't use the SRAW anymore, tried for ages with Xin and couldn't hit a fast moving tank that was 40m in front of me. Pathetic nerf tbh but heyho, will have to improve my non existent skills with the RPG.
Hehe just flashed C roof on anarchy then killed 10 people clearing the roof :D.

I love shotguns!

Those flashes are great when it's you using them, horrible when it's the opposition. Great in lockers, just throwing a couple through a choke point and then charging in with the mg4.

MP7 is beastly also.

I can't use the SRAW anymore, tried for ages with Xin and couldn't hit a fast moving tank that was 40m in front of me. Pathetic nerf tbh but heyho, will have to improve my non existent skills with the RPG.

RPG is no use at range against a moving target, but a static target is possible. You could always try the SMAW if you prefer the faster projectile with lower drop. I've had quite a few RPGs on transport and littlebirds recently, but normally only when they are getting right in your face.
Perfecting my Twirlywoo engineer setup, using pp200, rep tool, rpg but does anyone know if tank drivers are blinded by flashbangs?

I've not suffered from a flashbang yet in a tank. Might be worth an experiment though. One thing that does have a big affect on tanks running FLIR is the tactical light, it's like a mini sun! :eek:
MP7 is beastly also.

I can't use the SRAW anymore, tried for ages with Xin and couldn't hit a fast moving tank that was 40m in front of me. Pathetic nerf tbh but heyho, will have to improve my non existent skills with the RPG.

I don't have any PDW's unlocked I don't think. Will take a look tonight. The MP7 does indeed sound beastly but I am reading it is some kind of special unlock?

SRAW is basically only now any good for slow moving/stationary vehicles, vehicles in open spaces and head on close range encounters with helos. I took down a littlebird at point blank range with it last night on the bridge in flood zone :D First heli I have managed to take down with it since the patch though and that was only because I just fired it like an RPG :(

Kind of ironic that pilots were complaining about SRAW and now all it means is more people will be using Stingers which are even more OP than the SRAW was, lol :p
Speaking of unlocks I needed to get 10 or so chainlink captures to get the MPX and ended up playing it for a few rounds. It's actually quite fun and much better with a squad who is PTFO'ing!
Speaking of unlocks I needed to get 10 or so chainlink captures to get the MPX and ended up playing it for a few rounds. It's actually quite fun and much better with a squad who is PTFO'ing!

It's like a manically fast version of conquest. MPX is worth getting, it's always been a beast at close quarters and surprisingly good at range. I often find I'm out gunning a bulldog user at close or medium range with the MPX.
It's like a manically fast version of conquest. MPX is worth getting, it's always been a beast at close quarters and surprisingly good at range. I often find I'm out gunning a bulldog user at close or medium range with the MPX.

Is it anything like the MPX in Hardline? In HL the MPX was my go to gun for engi with heavy barrel and stock.
Is it anything like the MPX in Hardline? In HL the MPX was my go to gun for engi with heavy barrel and stock.

It's not exactly the same but it'll be familiar. IMO it's actually better in BF4 than HL. Having said that I've not used it since the last patch, so it might suffer from too much spread now.
Don't know about that Hazard - The TTK on all the Hardline guns is much higher. Part of the reason why I don't play it because any old scrub can out gun me if they see me first.
It's TTK in HL is lower yes but so is the TTK on the other guns you will face. I think the MPX is stronger in BF4 compared to the other weapons you will face.
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