The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Lol epic. I've got up there by jumping out of the staircase but I don't know if it's been patched recently. Wary of trying it as I'm not sure if it's counted as a glitch.
MP7 is beastly also.

I can't use the SRAW anymore, tried for ages with Xin and couldn't hit a fast moving tank that was 40m in front of me. Pathetic nerf tbh but heyho, will have to improve my non existent skills with the RPG.

It takes some getting used to, especially how slow and sluggish it is now. I've only managed to take out a few jets since using it, and most of them have been head-on shots. It really helps if you lead the shot heavily before making any last second changes, to compensate for the lack of speed. But it's still fricking hard.

On the flip-side though, I'm really loving TOW at the moment, it's so fast and much more agile than it used to be. One shot kills on jets and attack/scout helis, infantry. What's not to love? :D
It takes some getting used to, especially how slow and sluggish it is now. I've only managed to take out a few jets since using it, and most of them have been head-on shots. It really helps if you lead the shot heavily before making any last second changes, to compensate for the lack of speed. But it's still fricking hard.

On the flip-side though, I'm really loving TOW at the moment, it's so fast and much more agile than it used to be. One shot kills on jets and attack/scout helis, infantry. What's not to love? :D

I hate you, I really do! :)
The distance/range nerf is also a pain in the arse, same with the tow. Was on Silk Road earlier and had to travel half-way across the map to even hit something :/
Xin Are you talking about the TOW on LAVs or gun emplacements?

How do you get around the aim ceiling? Oh wait, don't tell me the aim ceiling doesn't exist in 3rd person view.??
TOW on LAVs yeah. Haven't tried the stationary TOW but I would suspect it's the same speed buff. Will try it out. For the aim ceiling, I'm just waiting for air vehicles to come into range/height. You can also try getting the LAV to sit on a mound for elevation but they don't even seem to want to stay put, always rolling lol.
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Ah, just good positioning and patience then. I used to run zunis all the time on the LAV, but have recently decided I can kill other LAVs and tanks faster using the TOW. Get in behind a tank with TOWs and he's down before he can get a second shot. Haven't tried sniping helis yet though, I tend to switch to the gunner seat to shoo them away.
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Yeah much prefer TOW over zunis, since you can have the advantage of not enaging up close and taking out enemy vehicles. I'm always running zoom as well and apfsds-t-shells.
FLIR over zoom for me although it only works on certain maps. Kiwi and I have been mowing down entire enemy teams trying to swarm us with C4 and RPGs, and they don't seem to understand how easy they are too see. :)

I find the FOV difficult with zoom and end up unable to track enemies smoothly TBH
FLIR over zoom for me although it only works on certain maps. Kiwi and I have been mowing down entire enemy teams trying to swarm us with C4 and RPGs, and they don't seem to understand how easy they are too see. :)

I find the FOV difficult with zoom and end up unable to track enemies smoothly TBH

Yeh you end up moving around using map knowledge a lot but I don't know how you guys pick out enemy so quick without FLIR. Must be a sign of old age haha.
APSFSDS in LAV nerfed vs infantry since patch? Used to be 2 hit kills. 1 hit was enough to get you a "assist counts as kill" if someone else finished them off. Now takes 3 hits to kill inf. Gonna try 25mm HE again.
Overview of some of the spring patch changes / loadouts. Not sure about the AS Val. I used to whore that gun but given the damage nerf it does not make up for the recoil reduction. It was fine the way it was.

ok so since the spring pAtch among other problems i have been getting micro freezes in game for 1/2 second to 2 seconds long(maybe one/two times every round). I use mantle not dx11. Its only started happening since the patch has anyone else experienced this or is my system on its last legs :eek:
I imagine uprise will create a new plugin for chrome they won't alienate so many users.

Just chrome have dropped cross browser plugin support afaik.
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