The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

ok so since the spring pAtch among other problems i have been getting micro freezes in game for 1/2 second to 2 seconds long(maybe one/two times every round). I use mantle not dx11. Its only started happening since the patch has anyone else experienced this or is my system on its last legs :eek:

Try using dx 11

Guy in here was getting cpu drops with mantle changed to dx and seem to have gone although you do get less fps
Sooo... I can no longer use chrome to play battlefield? It wont recognise the plugin

Chrome is no longer supporting NPAPI plugins by default, you can re-enable then..

type chrome://flags

then look for the npapi and native client sections and enable them....

Or move to firefox.
I know Dice have a busy schedule with Mirrors Edge 2, SWBF and possibly with Hardline DLC but I hope that Bad Company 3 is revealed at E3 sticking to the same era and not going down the futuristic or modern route. Guess we'll find out in a few weeks. I pray that esports is given priority, I miss watching decent BF streams.
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