The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Repairable/destructible bridges would add a huge extra to tactile team play!

I never played dragon valley :( no idea what it's like compared to the original.

I left the cte downloading will see what it's like tonight. Hopefully there is more than one server, but issues are to be expected and judging by Reddit there are a few. The original was massive but there is something for everyone.
Those playing CTE. Uprise want you to try a new way to launch the game as you know that Chrome is disabling Web Plugins.

Log out of CTE battlelog, then log back in. Now go to to your username, settings and under the 'general' tab, look for the 'game launch' option. Change the game launch option to 'Origin helper' and click save.

If you have any problems run through all tests here and PM me with the results.


Dragon Valley is fully populated with a large waiting list, I've been waiting 10 mins now. :(
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That's a good sign. Of cause the week they release the classic map I'm working away :mad:

Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?
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That's a good sign. Of cause the week they release the classic map I'm working away :mad:

Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?

From watching some youtubers its a very early version of it, a lot of bugs around.

Its nice to see an old map from BF2 though, Hope they add Kubra Dam and the other one with the huge reactor towers in it :)
I really want to reinstall to play DV but then again, I really don't want to play BF4 again so.......hard choice.

You guys should try out Dirty Bomb free on steam and not pay to win. Fast paced like QW / ET / TF2. I've been playing it solid for 3 days now and having a blast.
That's a good sign. Of cause the week they release the classic map I'm working away :mad:

Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?

watched a few videos of the map and it looks crap imo.

I've just had a quick round. There seems to be a good mix of Infantry/vehicle/air (Apart from the fact the jets struggle to take off at the moment.)
Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?

Well I've actually played it, and I like it, is big, really big, could do with a few more transport vehicles imo.

Its not too sniper filled, at least not yet.

Its a bit buggy here and there, mostly when stuffs been destroyed.
Just had a quick go with hazard and despite my headache I quite enjoyed it. Bit too much going on at the same time but would be easy enough to get used to.

Sorry I left mate but I felt like I was about to vom. Heads killing me!
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That's a good sign. Of cause the week they release the classic map I'm working away :mad:

Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?

I've only played it in BF2 but its a bit of a mixed map - I really love the idea of it but its a bit too big really for smaller competitive play and ends up with people chasing their tail a bit on public servers - when everything gels though i.e. you get a nice river assault going its a really great map.

Its crying out for an objective/W:ET style game mode though IMO the layout and size would work really well for something in the style of gold rush or fuel dump :| (I could see myself dumping a lot of hours into it if they did that).

EDIT: LOL was just watching a video of fuel dump and for a moment was mentally criticising the guy for not spotting :|
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Those playing CTE. Uprise want you to try a new way to launch the game as you know that Chrome is disabling Web Plugins.

Dragon Valley is fully populated with a large waiting list, I've been waiting 10 mins now. :(

Couldn't get this to work for me on Chrome, (not running ublock or no script etc) and disabling the plugin kills the server pings. Back to the plugin for me...
Thanks for the feedback VR, Hazard, Mynight and Rroff. Does the map feel empty when fully loaded? Think some of the youtubers were saying that it could do with more cover and more transport given the time it takes to get from point to point. I think to keep it interesting you could want loads of lavs and tanks!
That's a good sign. Of cause the week they release the classic map I'm working away :mad:

Can someone with an open mind give me some feedback regarding how the map plays?

Played 10 mins so just a very early impression:

Well it's massive for a start and there is something for every type of player. They've added increased foliage instead of fog which was present in BF2 around the Temple area. I don't really like that as you can still 3D spot in the game making stealth difficult to do when moving to objectives.

I think this map will suit Rush or Conquest Assault because it just feels too sparse and for me personally not engaging.

Commander will probably change how the map plays out like having an AC130 will keep Jets busy as well as dog fighting.

You can easily get to capture points by using speed boats and quad bikes. From spawn you can use transport choppers.

There are stationary 50 cal turrets scattered through the map, I'm not sure if there are tow missiles though.

I'm not sure if there are specific Battle pickups at key captured objective points.
Agree with your comment regarding foliage vs fog. Wish they would take the AC130 out of the game!

So keen to try the map now.
I don't think it's empty if anything overcrowded. There's sooooooooooooo soooooooooooo many buildings!! And the trees are quite numerous.

Really more transport is needed. Or increase the tank shell count on this map to open up buildings.

Noticed a couple of building were indestructible might just be because its first iteration.

It's definitly too big for an infantry map I would suggest it's too big for a single OCUK squad to do enough damage to win. There's so many flags that are widespread it would be like zavod with a crap team.
I don't think it's empty if anything overcrowded. There's sooooooooooooo soooooooooooo many buildings!! And the trees are quite numerous.

Really more transport is needed. Or increase the tank shell count on this map to open up buildings.

Noticed a couple of building were indestructible might just be because its first iteration.

It's definitly too big for an infantry map I would suggest it's too big for a single OCUK squad to do enough damage to win. There's so many flags that are widespread it would be like zavod with a crap team.

I find the colours washed out, I'm finding it difficult to find enemy players even when they have been spotted on the mini map. I think I need to get my eyes checked though. :(
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