The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I find the colours washed out, I'm finding it difficult to find enemy players even when they have been spotted on the mini map. I think I need to get my eyes checked though. :(

Prob the sort of map where having the resolution scale would help a lot
I find the colours washed out, I'm finding it difficult to find enemy players even when they have been spotted on the mini map. I think I need to get my eyes checked though. :(

You're not alone there mate actually. I thought that was just me!

It is really washed out. Ultra low settings almost.

Edit: have you set up the game settings on the CTE version? I'm just wondering if it's like mine and you haven't touched the graphics/got sweetfx installed. I think it's a different launcher.
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Prob the sort of map where having the resolution scale would help a lot

I don't have a 980ti and can't afford such luxuries :( :p

You're not alone there mate actually. I thought that was just me!

It is really washed out. Ultra low settings almost.

Edit: have you set up the game settings on the CTE version? I'm just wondering if it's like mine and you haven't touched the graphics/got sweetfx installed. I think it's a different launcher.

Video settings are all on Ultra. Motion Blob is turned off. I don't have a config file for the CTE, only just installed it today. I don't have sweetfx installed, will try it out tomorrow.
I'm off GTAV MP until they sort out all the hackers, it's beyond a joke now.

I shall be on BF4 tonight I think - haven't played in a week or so.
BTW, is there any way to uninstall certain DLC packs i.e. second assault?

I'm off GTAV MP until they sort out all the hackers, it's beyond a joke now.

So then never? :p

Can't say that I have had many serious issues with hackers in gta 5, for the ones who enable the mass kill crap, I just enable passive mode or join a private lobby with ocuk guys.

Goangoangoangoangoan! :)
Your powers will weaken without practice! :D

nexus bot hacks never weaken! They only get stronger! :p
So then never? :p

Can't say that I have had many serious issues with hackers in gta 5, for the ones who enable the mass kill crap, I just enable passive mode or join a private lobby with ocuk guys.

Nah I'll play again but after every ban wave a new group of hacks come out and everyone who has them spams the crap out of the servers to show off. Give it a few days to calm down.
TBH, I can't see gta 5 online being improved at all any time soon, pretty much all the issues we have, have been there ever since the last gen console release :( And the only way to truly combat the issues is to move away from the p2p server/lobby system.
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I'm still recovering after I made the mistake of letting Nexus into my gta 5 apartment. It got real weird real fast
Which server do you guys generally play on? And do you all have premium? I'm tempted to purchase it whilst it's £19.99.
Rocket blast seems to be the favourite currently.

Rarely play any premium.

Join us in teamspeak and we'll link you what we're playing in there or add a few of us as friends.

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