The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Two of the best games for rage were the first one, where we joined the losing side in a spawn rape to turn it round, and that rogue they thought they had us, but the steamroller was just picking up speed! :D

Yeah Rogue was an odd one, seemed we have all the kills but they had all the flags. Felt sorry for Petrm I think his name was, ended up killing him 9 times, each time it was a C4 suicide attempt.
I do love the guys who keep coming at you and they go BOOM when you light up there C4. I've had some epic mid air quad bike shots that should belong in a Michael Bay movie :D
What servers are you guys playing on? I've just started playing with some guys from work, but they play mostly at weekends. Would be good to join a decent squad mid week.
Gg's last night, nexus bot v5 still working well :D

Love that rpk, went on a 21 killstreak on Hainan and then a 32 killstreak on flood zone with it and that was with iron sights too LOL. Got the kobra now, hopefully not too long till I get the coyote sight.

Probably be on tonight.

And yeah nice to see that there are still salty players about :D
Just add us on battlelog, join the OcUK platoon and come on the ts... we don't usually stick to certain servers.

True. Usually because 'I'm banned from that one' or 'I just got kicked by admin for killing him' and cue tirade of abuse in chat resulting in two others being kicked so we all leave.:D
I think I might have contributed to that by getting 12 roadkills in the LAV :D I was just driving around the flags instead of capping them. Most fun I've had in a while in BF4 :D

I saw you RK a sniper on the hills behind D, was laughing my head off.

True. Usually because 'I'm banned from that one' or 'I just got kicked by admin for killing him' and cue tirade of abuse in chat resulting in two others being kicked so we all leave.:D

Who me...I blame Nexus - I'm just misunderstood. :D
What servers are you guys playing on? I've just started playing with some guys from work, but they play mostly at weekends. Would be good to join a decent squad mid week.

We can't go to the same server all the time, it would be permanently emptied. We're not exactly MLG pro (Except Mynight) but as a group we tend to destroy servers.

Gg's last night, nexus bot v5 still working well :D

Love that rpk, went on a 21 killstreak on Hainan and then a 32 killstreak on flood zone with it and that was with iron sights too LOL. Got the kobra now, hopefully not too long till I get the coyote sight.

Probably be on tonight.

And yeah nice to see that there are still salty players about :D

Took a couple of rounds for the bot to get up to full swing, but yeah once swinging!
I need to try the RPK, mg4 is so last year (although it's still stronk)

I think I might have contributed to that by getting 12 roadkills in the LAV :D I was just driving around the flags instead of capping them. Most fun I've had in a while in BF4 :D

I had an unusual number of LAV roadkills as well, all those badly timed C4s.

Xin please consider adding a few more of us to your friends list if you have any space :)
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Josh :p you're the only reason I'm banned from some servers... I'm fairly sure that it pops up with the reason for ban as 'friend of asshat' :D:p

Hahahah yeah okay fair one, I have kept my rumblings under control recently.

Friends of asshat is brilliant though, need to find out which server that is so that I may congratulate them on a cracking insult!
Hahahah yeah okay fair one, I have kept my rumblings under control recently.

Friends of asshat is brilliant though, need to find out which server that is so that I may congratulate them on a cracking insult!

Is it time for player renames again?

You go with arsehat, we'll go with friendofarsehat001-020 :D
lol still in top 1% with g36c (which isn't really surprising) and 338-Recon which I'm more surprised by as I thought it wasn't unpopular.
Will be on tonight for a few rounds now ive got that ADS bug sorted no doubt ill be stuck at the bottom of the leaderboard still trying to find decent set ups but starting to like the M16a3
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