The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Just on the test range tho? On the MP map Paracel Storm they can be destroyed.

I just got the last jet master dogtag, equipped one and the new contrails are totally worth it... a slight blue tint I think. That is all :).

On the test range it used to be metal sides and wooden struts across it, now its all concrete. Just seems weird they would change it on the test map, not sure if its been changed in paracel or not.
M98B is a beaut I'm still fascinated that you "could" legally own a straight pull one in the UK if you could show reasonable justification for doing so... (which is pretty much impossible).

I know plenty of people with firearms and the only justification they need is that they are in a shooting club. You can legally own a .50cal rifle too and there are places with 1000-1500m ranges to practice on. The rounds cost about £8 a pop and are the size of a small child though! :p

I know a guy who does practical shotgun shooting and he has a right arsenal of other guns. Pretty much when the zombie apocalypse kicks off, I'm going to his house! :D
im trying to think of a good bf4 server name.

trying to think of something meaning full like
battle cross - to pay respect to fallen soldiers.

any ideas?
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I guess jet-master contrails didn't work in Test Range. In MP game they show up as red/blue :). Probably makes you easier to spot when fighting other jets.
I know plenty of people with firearms and the only justification they need is that they are in a shooting club. You can legally own a .50cal rifle too and there are places with 1000-1500m ranges to practice on. The rounds cost about £8 a pop and are the size of a small child though! :p

I know a guy who does practical shotgun shooting and he has a right arsenal of other guns. Pretty much when the zombie apocalypse kicks off, I'm going to his house! :D

There aren't many clubs with the setup required to shoot high calibre sniper rifle rounds and for the m98b you need more than just club shooting as a basis for owning one :s small number of professional reasons that might cover it but being prepared for the impending zombie apocalypse doesn't :(
bloody sniper rifles are **** in this game, no ohk unless you aim for the head. Then there is the damn sway whilst strafing and leaving yourself an open target because your bullet went awol because of suppression.

I'm no sergent enigma but compared to bf3 I am completely useless and just end up with kill assists unless I hit someone at close range, i.e standing next to me.

I also refuse to use DMR's that's just cheating. :p
bloody sniper rifles are **** in this game, no ohk unless you aim for the head. Then there is the damn sway whilst strafing and leaving yourself an open target because your bullet went awol because of suppression.

I'm no sergent enigma but compared to bf3 I am completely useless and just end up with kill assists unless I hit someone at close range, i.e standing next to me.

I also refuse to use DMR's that's just cheating. :p

I'm rubbish with the sniper rifles as well. I can get an occasional CQC 360 no scope, but an aimed headshot at range on a staionary target no!

gg's this afternoon even if it was a bit quiet.
DMRs aren't half as satisfying as putting someone down with a good sniper rifle hit though heh - I had a lot of luck just winging it people died more often than not.

I still find long range shooting can be a bit odd at times almost like a rounding/precision type error.

EDIT: Sniping in BF4 is actually pretty easy which can throw you at first as you expect to have to adjust for distance more - very few maps have the range where you need to compensate much for distance especially if you go easy mode with the SRR - if your good at sniping in BF3 but struggle in 4 its probably because your over thinking it.
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bloody sniper rifles are **** in this game, no ohk unless you aim for the head. Then there is the damn sway whilst strafing and leaving yourself an open target because your bullet went awol because of suppression.

I'm no sergent enigma but compared to bf3 I am completely useless and just end up with kill assists unless I hit someone at close range, i.e standing next to me.

I also refuse to use DMR's that's just cheating. :p

You using shift to hold your breath, and sniper squad upgrade to make it last twice as long? :)

Zero is 100m now since patch, so aim for the head instead of slightly above it. Aim for the chest at really close range or you will shoot over their head.
Has anyone here tried to use BF4 game time and encountered the bug where Origin tells you that it could not activate the game and that a license key has to be entered, then tells you that "game time has already been used on this computer" when it hasn't?

I spoke to EA support who say it's a bug that is being fixed but had no ETA or anything... perhaps someone here knows of a work around though? I've tried deleting various registry keys, re-installing the game and origin and deleting some kind of Origin License files.
Bandar desert map in bf3 was pretty good for ultra long range sniping. Had quite a few 2000m + headshots with the M98b on that map.
Bandar desert map in bf3 was pretty good for ultra long range sniping. Had quite a few 2000m + headshots with the M98b on that map.

Atleast on the stock maps its really hard to find 2000+m ranges in BF4 - even on paracel you have to really work to get that distance - most of my long range shots have been 600-700m tops in normal play.
Yeah the flashbangs need to be nerfed big time, ruining infy maps now, it has been changed in the cte so hopefully not long till we get it in the final version.

Some gg's tonight. That sunken dragon map is ****ing awful for the attackers on rush.

You guys should have seen the amount of rocket spam against me and squeeze in the tank on dawnbreaker + the attack heli, my god, that is all!

Got to love the xfactor love in chat tonight, I want to type back but us youtubers don't/hardly ever type back! :p

Won't be on tomorrow.
Some people seem to have an unlimited supply of them somehow as well :( 1-2 games on smaller maps I've spent large amount of time with a white screen unless I just fall back to base.
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