The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

They can just fix it by reducing the amount you can carry and the time taken to reload at ammo boxes. The same as they did with the normal grenades. Same goes for smoke grenades. They should add another smoke grenade that blocks IRNV and FLIR, but doesn't last as long as the normal smoke.
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Problem is when you got pretty much the entire team using them including your own, it still won't make enough of a difference

xfactor *cough*, sorry I mean "I" uploaded a video earlier showing the new way..... :p Much better imo.
Problem is when you got pretty much the entire team using them including your own, it still won't make enough of a difference

xfactor *cough*, sorry I mean "I" uploaded a video earlier showing the new way..... :p Much better imo.

They need to strike a balance between where they are now and where they used to be. I have actually enjoyed lockers a lot more since running flashbangs because they make pushing choke points (of which there are a lot) much easier.
Hate flashbangs, got flashed on lockers and I fell off the mountain and OOB and died.

That said I do run them. Probably won't be on tonight, my car died a death on the way home, so need to dust off my bicycle and remember how to change gear before the ride to work tomorrow.

Hate flashbangs, got flashed on lockers and I fell off the mountain and OOB and died.

That said I do run them. Probably won't be on tonight, my car died a death on the way home, so need to dust off my bicycle and remember how to change gear before the ride to work tomorrow.


Don't forget to attach your stabilisers too! :D


I've only really just started playing this on the PC, not very good but slowly getting better.

Just been playing on the Anarchy UK server, didn't break any rules but just been kicked for killing an admin. Is this a normal thing on the PC?
Which admin? :D couple of them it's normal practise :D.

Was the server full? You might have been kicked for a vip.

Join TS mate. There's a few of us online now.
I've only really just started playing this on the PC, not very good but slowly getting better.

Just been playing on the Anarchy UK server, didn't break any rules but just been kicked for killing an admin. Is this a normal thing on the PC?

I've been on there a fair bit over the last couple of days and killed plenty of admins without getting kicked (so far)...
Nope no reason, someone told me it might just be coincidence and I was kicked for a VIP

by Admin = VIP
BY Name + Reason = Kick

All commends have the admin name tied to them, even if their done in our Webpage control or even Procon.

On a side note, ive left anarchy UK :)
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