Says the mute on TS?
Nah not affraid of a challenge, I dealt with TBL for long enough. But I'd rather not get my ass handed to me. I don't enjoy games where I rage all the way through.
I much prefer the relax and rape others.
I just don't know how a LB pilot can stay up like that for so long especially on PS when you have other LB pilots, jets, rhib boats, attack boats with side gunners, maa and engineers that could use stingers.
A good secondary is usually enough to deter a little bird pilot who is smart enough to stay out of the arcs of your main tank gun.
Hopefully for the best mate.
Smogsyuk servers coming?
.Did ASBO ban you also?
Well I can't say I'm surprised, my disdain of some of the admins on there is well known - however you are welcome on our TS whenever you want smogsy
There is nothing better than baiting a LB pilot with a few love taps. The moment he turns and takes a run at the tank, for Nexus to smash his hope and dreams in seconds.
I take a perverse pleasure doing that.