The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

On another topic, I think it may actually be too hot for gaming tonight! It's 28c in my room right now!

You've got watercooling, your PC will be fine

This :(

That time of year again where gaming is unbearable especially when you have a gpu like the 290!

Get a big floor fan! It will keep you cool, and on the plus side you won't be able to hear the 290 anymore!

I think my router was overheating last night, but floor fan deployed I feel fine and the router is not scalding to touch anymore :eek:
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Its 30c in my bedroom right now and my arm is stuck to my desk pad due to moisture. Gaming not happening today. And huge +1 to those floor fans. Got one off Spamazon a few years back to replace old AC unit and its amazing. Just bought another for downstairs. Just got drink loads of water or you turn in to a raisin.
On another topic, I think it may actually be too hot for gaming tonight! It's 28c in my room right now!

Couldn't bear playing for 10 mins yesterday I left mid way through the Hainan game. Also if those youscrubers mentioned have consultation sessions with DICE and press access then no matter what DICE make (BC3/BF5) it will be ****.

Just let DICE LA make BC3 as they have the intelligence to make a game that appeals to fans otherwise it will be a bigger failure than Hardline and will be a game catered for console kids.
You've got watercooling, your PC will be fine

Get a big floor fan! It will keep you cool, and on the plus side you won't be able to hear the 290 anymore!

I think my router was overheating last night, but floor fan deployed I feel fine and the router is not scalding to touch anymore :eek:

you all need industrial a/c like me can be 14c in my cave in a few mintues its lovely!:D

LAN anyone? got 21 sockets spare:p


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My den is in the back of the house, no sun on it all day, lovely and cool.

Lol Kiwi with a WC PC complaining about gaming, think of poor Nexus, anything over 12c in NI and they think the world is ending!
Hahaha, very true Josh. Nexus must be in a state of total panic! Quick point RE WC - it keeps my CPU/GPU cooler because its more efficient at pumping out heat so it's just as hot for me!
Get a big floor fan! It will keep you cool, and on the plus side you won't be able to hear the 290 anymore!

I think my router was overheating last night, but floor fan deployed I feel fine and the router is not scalding to touch anymore :eek:

Dread to imagine how my router will cope with the heat, it is bad enough already! :D

MSI 290 GE is actually pretty quiet tbh and besides I have my window open so can't hear the PC anyway :p Going to maybe remove some of my hard drives to try and keep the heat down

I have this whopping tesco beast to keep me cool:


Loud as **** and not great. Going to look into getting a better fan. Unfortunately I have the worst setup for gaming when it comes to summer:

- big leather chair
- room where my pc is gets the sun for the ENTIRE day
- to top it of, I/my pc is situated right next to a massive velux window (and no I can't put my PC anywhere else :(), which acts as a magnifying glass and enhances the heat even more (although at night it is great!)

For me it is more the humidity though, get so sweaty and skin gets so sticky, doesn't matter how many times I wash my hands, they will be sticky again within 5 min *sigh*

ATM my room is 25 degrees.

Lol Kiwi with a WC PC complaining about gaming, think of poor Nexus, anything over 12c in NI and they think the world is ending!

True :p
Well guys it's hot here no gaming for me.

Just feel sorry for me as I go to work tonight in a factory with lots of heat sources and to top that I have to wear 3/4 length coat and helmet so I'm guessing it will be mid 30s.

Bring on the snow again lol
Wanted to fire up some bf4 to try out my new gpu, but its so hot and stuffy I cant be bothered. Just benched it so far, temps no issue on the gpu but the cpu is getting a bit hot.
Wanted to fire up some bf4 to try out my new gpu, but its so hot and stuffy I cant be bothered. Just benched it so far, temps no issue on the gpu but the cpu is getting a bit hot.

I'm running mine underclocked lol - less heat
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