The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

First impressions on SWBF. Exactly what I expected. Horribly one sided, AT AT OP and the gun play is kind of enjoyable but it's not a replacement for BF. I'll give it another crack but wanted to reassure you guys that's its not amazing by any stretch of the imagination.

Oh yeh, Nexus in one of the fighters is still op - guess somethings never change.
hehe. I had people in SWBF server going is that the real xfactor? :D

But yeah to those who are annoyed that they didn't get the alpha, don't be, take away the star wars theme and you have a very meh MP FPS game.
Rubbish for me, seems I can't play for toffee when my ping is over 70. Went 1-11 at one stage. Bloody VM.
Yeh had to leave early last night as I had a horric headache - probably due to the let down that was the SWBF alpha.
Rubbish for me, seems I can't play for toffee when my ping is over 70. Went 1-11 at one stage. Bloody VM.

I have horror show days as well. Often a router reboot helps but if VM are trolling then there's no chance!

Yeh had to leave early last night as I had a horric headache - probably due to the let down that was the SWBF alpha.

Or me constantly barking orders in the vehicles like a jack russell that's got wind of a rabbit :D

I wouldn't judge SWBF on the alpha, beta should be better though (Although completely unrepresentative of the finished product!)
Yeah some hard games last night! Despise that ****ing siege map, I HATE IT! ****ing *****s camping on roof the entire time.

When are DICE bringing the cte changes were they removed roof access and placed the c flag on the bottom?

Also, gone back to my original name, NEXUS-BOT. Had some scrub constantly ramming me in the aa, thought I was the real xfactor besides you get too many people after you and noticed that I seem to get HVT a lot more often when using the name, which is a PITA when playing infy.

Will be on tonight.
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