The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I will give it another restart when I get home. Nah it's fine bud didn't mention the dino dinlows for money reasons. It's a busy new game, so the added 5ish people on there push us up, most of the evening avg at around 20 users.

Will be fine for now.

Nah I know you're not like that. Just offering mate. I rack up a lot of hours on it seems only fair I contribute :).
hmm I wonder if I can play commander using this ****** intel igpu. :p

I need some decent commander tips and tricks, never understood how it all worked in this game as it appeared to be UAV spam and counter spam. :confused:
hmm I wonder if I can play commander using this ****** intel igpu. :p

I need some decent commander tips and tricks, never understood how it all worked in this game as it appeared to be UAV spam and counter spam. :confused:

For points you just want to spam everything as often as possible, but that might not help your team too much. Definitely spam all the drones and sweeps as soon as available.

Try to get different squads holding different flags to prevent backcaps.

Try to get your team to cap the gunship or cruise missile points so you can really help them

Use care packages/ vehicle deploys to troll snipers or use them as intended to resupply your team.

Learn where on a map a care package or vehicle can be deployed without being inaccessible. (Lockers is a good example as there are only a few places they can effectively be deployed)
It does make people rage when you can roadkill them on lockers with a quad! :D
For points you just want to spam everything as often as possible, but that might not help your team too much. Definitely spam all the drones and sweeps as soon as available.

Try to get different squads holding different flags to prevent backcaps.

Try to get your team to cap the gunship or cruise missile points so you can really help them

Use care packages/ vehicle deploys to troll snipers or use them as intended to resupply your team.

Learn where on a map a care package or vehicle can be deployed without being inaccessible. (Lockers is a good example as there are only a few places they can effectively be deployed)
It does make people rage when you can roadkill them on lockers with a quad! :D

You drop the commander crate & vehicles on camping roof warriors

Cruise missile the camping roof warriors

All you need to know :p

All good points, thanks. I will try and see if I can play as commander at least tonight.

I've had a care package drop on my head outside of lockers, I wasn't very pleased lol :o
Youtube Russkhof care package trolling

In one of his vids, A guy gets done by an enemy care package, gets revived and immediately gets hit by his own commander's care package. That is either very bad luck or supreme trolling.
Great stuff man, some epic shots as always! Will see you later on for the raep!

I had forgotten about sunny2funny, man that kid had issues! :D

Firstly 10 of us battering him everytime he spawned!

Cheers bud.

I was having some proper LOLs spectating Sunny...he was sitting in base with AA, dropping ammo boxes, getting out and firing off UCAVs and then telling people to go eat their sister. Great stuff.
Youtube Russkhof care package trolling

In one of his vids, A guy gets done by an enemy care package, gets revived and immediately gets hit by his own commander's care package. That is either very bad luck or supreme trolling.

lol very good videos. Question Time :D

I'm not referring to spectator but how does he zoom in to get precision accuracy to land drops on players?

Also what's with the slow cruise missile deploy time, by the time I mark players and it has deployed they are long gone. Is there a way to move the target point or once it is set can't you move it again?

What's a good average commander score/kills? I got 4 kills and 4,990 score.
Ok, you twisted me arm :D


You killed sunny2pro at 4:50, must be hax! :)

No one can kill him, he is the best of the best.

I had him about 8 times in a row the other night. That boy can rage but he can't shoot! :D

lol very good videos. Question Time :D

I'm not referring to spectator but how does he zoom in to get precision accuracy to land drops on players?

Also what's with the slow cruise missile deploy time, by the time I mark players and it has deployed they are long gone. Is there a way to move the target point or once it is set can't you move it again?

What's a good average commander score/kills? I got 4 kills and 4,990 score.

Use mouse wheel to zoom in. Once a target has been chosen you cannot move it. Pick a flag which has just started to be contested, then santa can get there with presents before the party finishes!

Alternatively roof campers, they will wait for you.
1st game 3 hackers with cheat scores. Looks like it will be one of those nights!

Ever since last weekend the number of cheaters has been increasing :S guessing EA has been doing game time or whatever it is. Last night at one point there was 3 people on the other team all with 60+ to 3 type scores many of them barely able to navigate the map but owning people who've been playing for years. (Was speccing one and it was hilarious - wasn't able to work out how to get out of his own team's base but randomly head shotting enemy from across the map).

EDIT: Quick look at the BRs they were mostly rank 28-36 which kind of suggest they are people who've picked up on free to play and using hacks :S
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And to top it all of, black screens every 1-2 matches with the message:

Anyone getting disconnects from BF 4 with crashes?

Every 1-2 rounds, I'm just getting a black screen and then:

Could not join server (1)

Aside from that, hit reg. felt much better and the game is also running a lot smoother, not sure if it is the 15.7 drivers or/and VM fixing the ping issues. HMG feels OP again :D


And now this error message....

Origin could not get code (-5df6fe70): Server error: Bad Request


Different server and still black screening....

looks like my days of bf 4 are over if this **** continues :(

Such a shame as the game was playing incredibly well tonight for the first time in a while!
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