The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Playing commander is so boring, plus there is no way to join as commander on the same side as your platoon members when you join their game. I couldn't see a switch sides option even when there was none assigned to the other team.

P.S I saw a mutiny vote count but as a player how do you mutiny against a commander?
I actually kind of enjoy playing commander - especially against another commander who is half on the ball using the counters so having to think ahead to stop them countering you.

I believe only squad leaders can mutiny against a commander but I'm not 100% on that.
I actually kind of enjoy playing commander - especially against another commander who is half on the ball using the counters so having to think ahead to stop them countering you.

I believe only squad leaders can mutiny against a commander but I'm not 100% on that.

I'd rather be in the action but I guess squad leaders should also help in relaying commands on what they need otherwise it's just very lonely. I only had one person request a scan and unfortunately I didn't know who requested it or where they wanted the scan lol

Edit, also I think this is bs

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Wouldn't wait on your team to request a scan aside from almost no one does you can work out where it would be most useful from your team and the hostile team movement.

What is most annoying is that rarely anyone fills up squads properly making it hard to utilise upgrades, etc. effectively and most squad leaders ignore that you have a better overview of the battlefield than they do.

Think I've killed more people with care packages and vehicle drops than cruise lol.
In the heat of the battle and when zoomed in one location it's easy to forget that you're being back capped, so if like today someone requested a scan (I was shocked that a squad leader performed his role ) then responding to requests can be important.

I'm getting the hang of commander now but still with randoms it can be pain if the squad leaders ignore orders and no flags are being capped leaving you with nothing but UAVand EMPs.

There should be a commander function to remove useless squad leaders. I got a nice multi kill with the cruise missile on Zavod C roof today :D Also AA's that don't move from one spot like Stument :p are so easy to take out.
PC crashed while you were in my tank, Rroff. You end up in the river? :)

Yup - was 2 AT guys on D roof and as I tried to manoeuvrer without anywhere to go got physics bounce on the railings and went in - was having a horrid game anyhow almost 0 hit reg with the HMG :|

Followed by the physics breaking twice again - the next tank just randomly started spinning 360 degrees for about 10-15 seconds, then got the bug where you respawn beneath the water on hainan and now got kicked from the game for whatever reason lol

EDIT: Oh and a vehicle surviving with 100% health despite detonating 2 C4s directly on it... not having a good day in BF4.
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What was wrong Mr. Unlockable? :D

Kiwi, that frame file analyser thing has been updated, seems to be a bit better now:

My last mantle and DX in bf 4 (although it was only SP that I did a run with max settings).... so with the new 15.7 drivers and all the BF 4 patches since the last one, I thought I would try again, MAX settings @ 2560x1080 doing the siege run in an empty server with a ping of 40-50:


Battlefield 4 - Frame Time Analyzer Report
Logs Selected: All (Merge Logs)
FTS Selected: 2 ms

			Game - FT	CPU - FT	GPU - FT
Average Frame Time:	13.889		13.89		13.13
StdDev (FT): 		1.677		1.716		1.573
Minimum FPS: 		49.764		49.116		52.329
Maximum FPS: 		89.526		106.724		95.012
StdDev (FPS): 		8.624		8.904		9.053

Time Spent:		Game - FT	CPU - FT	GPU - FT
Above 200 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 144 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 120 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 100 FPS:		0%		0.119%		0%
Above 90 FPS:		0%		0.907%		7.804%
Above 60 FPS:		93.89%		93.508%		98.449%
Above 45 FPS:		100%		100%		100%
Above 30 FPS:		100%		100%		100%

Total Data Points Read: 	4190
Total Erred Points Detected: 	1
Total Files Read: 	1


Battlefield 4 - Frame Time Analyzer Report
Logs Selected: All (Merge Logs)
FTS Selected: 2 ms

			Game - FT	CPU - FT	GPU - FT
Average Frame Time:	14.429		14.428		13.933
StdDev (FT): 		1.78		1.957		1.708
Minimum FPS: 		44.823		37.154		45.351
Maximum FPS: 		85.288		114.482		88.378
StdDev (FPS): 		8.358		9.157		8.641

Time Spent:		Game - FT	CPU - FT	GPU - FT
Above 200 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 144 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 120 FPS:		0%		0%		0%
Above 100 FPS:		0%		0.246%		0%
Above 90 FPS:		0%		0.761%		0%
Above 60 FPS:		87.448%		86.465%		92.041%
Above 45 FPS:		99.975%		99.681%		100%
Above 30 FPS:		100%		100%		100%

Total Data Points Read: 	4071
Total Erred Points Detected: 	1
Total Files Read: 	1

And frame latencies, frametimelog001 (red line) is mantle:


Separate graphs for DX and mantle:






Certainly looks like either AMD have sorted the DX issues on their end or/and DICE have improved the AMD DX experience.

Also, for some reason, my internet seems to be a lot better in the last few days (for me/VM anyway :p)

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has my SBZ plugged into the other PCIE slot hahah.. didn't even realise i did it till i opened it up yesterday to clean it.. the software kept crashing when changing from headphones to speakers and it was doing my head in for about 3 months..

quick swap to a x1 slot and problemssssssssssssss solved!
Good games yesterday, managed my best mortar run on lockers, at one point took out 3 mortars and their owners with 2 shells. Why they sit by their mortar is beyond me. Oh and groza 4 is amazing. Built in suppressor, and effective heavy barrel, and so accurate.

Twirlywoos is getting dangerous with those commander resupplies! It was raining re-supply crates and quads. :D
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Anyone on for an afternoon session?

Still waiting on my refund for my GPU so I am bound to playing commander through iGPU. :o

I did figure out who requests scans though. The squad leader will flash on the right hand side of the menu and a UAV icon will constantly flash over the commander mini map notifying me where they are.

However it doesn't tell you in which area they want a UAV sweep but then common sense shows that is probably in the general area where they are.

Xin was smashing the roof campers on Siege and I responded to his request for UAV sweeps. It's nice when squad leaders and commanders work together, makes a boring game more interesting/tactic00l. :p :eek:

I still don't know how to mutiny against the Commander. I did kill a few useless sniping team mates camping from a million miles away who had low scores. :D Also I should learn not to drop supply and vehicle crates so close to you next time :( In that lockers game it just landed inches away from you as I saw it drop just infront of your Mortar. :D
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