The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I played a round of metro once

lies :p

I'll make an exception for you though ;)

Don't worry I will never be mvp in bf4. I still don't get on with the game.

- I just discovered by accident that EMP destroys cruise missiles. I had an EMP active in a traffic area where squads were fighting and saw that the enemy launched their cruise missile and I got points for cruise missile destroyed. :eek: :D

Must save that EMP now, problem is that UAV and EMP's are given for free and aren't a commander perk attached to a flag. Therefore a good commander will always destroy your EMP attacks. :confused:

Edit - Noticed you have a G502. Download the latest firmware as it fixes the spinning bug that some people suffer from. I can't test it out until my GPU arrives.
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lol tell me what happened Joe? Because I have no idea tbh. In slow motion it looks as if the tow would've hit the right side of the heli but decided to veer off to the left. A little bit later it looks like it's behind the heli on the right. Some weird **** right there.

Skill shot!
Involved a bit of teamwork ;)
Solution is to have game time only servers, we shouldn't have to ostracize ourselves because of those *****. I don't know why DICE/EA want to promote this game now anyway, Hardline is where they should be looking at. :p

It's doomed to be honest. Will go the way of medal of honor.
lol tell me what happened Joe? Because I have no idea tbh. In slow motion it looks as if the tow would've hit the right side of the heli but decided to veer off to the left. A little bit later it looks like it's behind the heli on the right. Some weird **** right there.

I think kiwi said it best tbh.

I think what happened is much like the whole being able to drive quads after you die. There is a weird delay where if you get out of a vehicle for half a mo you are still controlling the vehicle even when out of it so the tow followed the path of your vision.

edit...also I find it hard to watch ur vids because the music is always so good I just wanna kick back, close my eyes and listen.
I know most of the top pilots, what was his name? You can be very accurate with the Stealth Jet cannons by using space / ctrl for pitch and just use mouse for roll and fine aim. I used to headshot people out of their jets in BF3 when going on a head on dogfight and I'm really bad in BF3 jets.

He was mostly flying the helicopters - bit reticent to name him as I was pretty knackered from a long week at work and not 100% I have the right name.

EDIT: On a slightly related note - you can jump in and out of the attack chopper mid-flight to reset/skip reload timer as gunner? just seen someone appearing to be doing that.
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Havent been playing much BF4 for a good few months. Recently switched form Firefox to chrome. Just now I tried to play a game for the first time in ages, and get the npapi is not supported message. :confused:

Do I have to enable it?

I hear this is going to be totally discontinued come Sep. Then what? Any news from Dice? Or will we have to switch to an alternative browsers just for BF4? :o

This is an interesting post.

Who are these 'uprise' developers they reference?


I actually applaud Google for taking this stances. As has been the case in the past, if you don't take the initiative then progress can be very very slow. Especially on the web.
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The obviously know that SWBF will tank like BFH so need to keep people interested until Oct/nov next year with BF3.5(v2.0).

Oh Dice how you amuse me.
I did, then refunded it.

I might be about, broke myself at the gym so may wallow it my own self pity and play Cities Skylines.
Did you buy it lol?

Yeah, I thought I'd get something different for the times when no one is playing BF4. Also Mynight and Tony seem to be enjoying it a lot.

I did, then refunded it.

I might be about, broke myself at the gym so may wallow it my own self pity and play Cities Skylines.

Seems like it's a marmite game then. Oh well. I'll be on BF4 if anyone else is otherwise it's dino poo.
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