The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

picked this up a couple of days ago... any tips for a new guy?

Q to spot, do this, a lot. Helps out your team
Play the objective, don't camp on a roof
If you are a tank/lav gunner - be an engineer and repair the vehicle when it gets to around 40%
If medic, revive people and put down med packs
If support, give people ammo by putting down med packs

Don't scream "zomg hacks" when someone kills you, some players have over 1000h in this game, they know the lanes, corners and best spots to kill people, they are after 1000h odd are fairly competent at playing the game, you got beaten by a better/more experienced player, that's all.

*sometimes it may be hacks, but you will know this as the whole of your team will be moaning!

Should be a good starter for 10 bud :)
I should be on.

Good man! :D
If J0SH is on too we should be able to do some damage!

picked this up a couple of days ago... any tips for a new guy?

Where to start?
Have you played any BF before?

There are some good youtube videos on how to play well, and a lot to learn to get good.

A few tips:

1) peek round corners, don't just blindly run in.
2) Work with your squad, fulfill the role for the class you are playing (Support should supply, medic should not run point as they need to revive and heal their teammates, engis destroy/repair vehicles. Recon should do whatever it is they do)
3) Spam Q to spot enemies for your team (and for yourself)
4) Use the minimap! As soon as someone is spotted, or fires an unsuppressed weapon they will appear on the minimap.

Edit: Josh covered most of my tips already.
Everything JOSH and Hazard said +

  • Watch A LOT of youtube videos. Check out XFACTOR for a start
  • OPTMISE your experience - Make sure you are matching the refresh rate of your screen. I.e, 60fps for 60hz 99% of the time (if you are getting frame dips this will give the other guy an advantage in 1 v 1 situations)
  • OPTIMISE your controls. There was a level cap video a while back where he went through some ideal keyboard and mouse layouts
  • Play with good players on TS - The more you play with and against good players the quicker you will learn
Another top tip..

Set the in game mouse sensitivity to very low (5% or less) and use DPI on your mouse to speed it up or slow it down depending on whether you are on foot, in a vehicle, or sniping.

Ill be on again unless im stuck in a huge queue again like last night

Good, good, the rage will be strong!
You guys got it all wrong. Here are the real pro tips:

  • As Engineer only use MBT-LAW, M2 SLAMs, M15 Anti tank mines, Stinger AA missiles
  • Semi-automatic shotguns can be used by any class so use them for all classes
  • Make sure to equip active radar missiles in the Stealth Jet and Mobile AA tank
  • If playing as support or recon classes drop claymores everywhere
  • If playing as support use the XM25 Airburst whenever possible
  • When using defibrillators as assault class don't charge them, a quick 20 revive is best
  • Use the jets and helicopters as a taxi to quickly get to good camping spots on the map
  • When in a tank or APC as gunner, constantly fire the machine gun so your driver knows you are a pro gunner
  • Don't bother with ammo boxes or medbags, only noobs need them
  • If you're in the 4th seat of the attack boat, sit there and do nothing
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All kinds of pains...all kindzzz.

Dost thou even lift brah!

You guys got it all wrong. Here are the real pro tips:

  • As Engineer only use MBT-LAW, M2 SLAMs, M15 Anti tank mines, Stinger AA missiles
  • Semi-automatic shotguns can be used by any class so use them for all classes
  • Make sure to equip active radar in the Stealth Jet and Mobile AA tank
  • If playing as support or recon classes drop claymores everywhere
  • If playing as support use the XM25 Airburst whenever possible
  • When using defibrillators as assault class don't charge them, a quick 20 revive is best
  • Use the jets and helicopters as a taxi to quickly get to good camping spots on the map
  • When in a tank or APC as gunner, constantly fire the machine gun so your driver knows you are a pro gunner
  • Don't bother with ammo boxes or medbags, only noobs need them

Or this! This is how most people play the game. And by most people I mean idiots. :D
Only problem with claymores is that they don't have that slight delay/ability to jump over them like COD if you have decent reactions/skill :( they are pretty easy to spot and avoid/anticipate where a player would put them.
Another top tip..

Set the in game mouse sensitivity to very low (5% or less) and use DPI on your mouse to speed it up or slow it down depending on whether you are on foot, in a vehicle, or sniping.

Good, good, the rage will be strong!

Well that rather depends on mouse DPI, I use 450dpi and 6% sens, most people I know use higher for that sens like up to 15%. Find what is best for you but I'd certainly recommend you start out around 5% for 800-1000dpi and calculate differences from there. You can then go slight up or down as much as you like. But if you like me do like using 6% @ 450 you better have a big ol mousemat.
How did you not know this :p

I only just worked out you can eject and renter almost instantly and reliably if you get the angle right and skip the reload on helicopter weapons (and I guess other vehicles) :S don't generally use vehicles much so never given it any thought - saw someone using it earlier to be able to blast away pretty much infinitely constantly as attack chopper gunner with less than a second down time.
gg's again last night!

The server admin joined us briefly on TS afterwards to express his gratitude for our patronage. Turns out he was less grateful than perhaps I'd anticipated. Server added to favorites ;):D
gg's again last night!

The server admin joined us briefly on TS afterwards to express his gratitude for our patronage. Turns out he was less grateful than perhaps I'd anticipated. Server added to favorites ;):D

Which server? Never seen that before, someone thanking us for playing.

Sounds like a recipe for a server stomp! I will be on tonight 100%.
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