The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

How did you not know this :p

I am a commander n00b. :p

gg's again last night!

The server admin joined us briefly on TS afterwards to express his gratitude for our patronage. Turns out he was less grateful than perhaps I'd anticipated. Server added to favorites ;):D

I didn't check TS but was he that guy with the American accent? I wondered who it was as he used voice asking the commander for orders, drops - everything in Rogue and Paraca. Seemed a nice chap, shame you lot killed his server. :D
Is that the TOGA lot? If so the Server Admin will be getting a perma TS ban.

Utter ******s.

I must admit I have already wielded the mighty power of the ban hammer. (Included full (but brief) transcript of the conversation)

I am a commander n00b. :p

I didn't check TS but was he that guy with the American accent? I wondered who it was as he used voice asking the commander for orders, drops - everything in Rogue and Paraca. Seemed a nice chap, shame you lot killed his server. :D

We didn't kill it straight away though. It took a few rounds before they started to lose faith in their abilities. :D

I blame Xin.
Oh and Xonatic, aFanatic, Mr momo , Valiant, Squeeze, Mynight, and Buffetslayer, and Chippy. And that hacker commander Twirly.., oh wait that's you. :D
Edit: And Stulid!
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I must admit I have already wielded the mighty power of the ban hammer. (Included full (but brief) transcript of the conversation)

I'm confused, my caffeine is low this morning.

So the server admin came on started gobbing off and you banned him?

Good stuff!
Yes he's permabanned (Obviously it's your choice if it is upheld or not). :)

Mate if you needed to PB him and he got PB'd I'm not going to overrule it.

I didn't detect the sarcasm earlier, I honestly thought someone liked the fact we went onto their server lol

Defo need to server raep it later then!

So who was asking me for orders all the time? Unless you can hear in game voip whilst still in ts.

Yup if VOIP is enabled in game you can here it also. I was very confused once by someone VOIP'ing me while I was is nex's tank.
You can hear in game voip while on ts ;)

Smartka used to in game voip me while I was on TS which caused confusion for me and others on ts.
This one..

From the look of their leaderboard they've had trouble with farmers before! :D

I was playing there with decent squad before you guys showed up for about 4 rounds and they was already getting wrecked. Then ocuk backup had arrived and made it worst :)
First time playing there aswell. saw the name old gits having fun. Though id join it being a old git :p

That round on dawnbreakers with you hazard in tank was lolz. Hope i didnt work you to hard!
We didn't kill it straight away though. It took a few rounds before they started to lose faith in their abilities. :D

I blame Xin.
Oh and Xonatic, aFanatic, Mr momo , Valiant, Squeeze, Mynight, and Buffetslayer, and Chippy. And that hacker commander Twirly.., oh wait that's you. :D
Edit: And Stulid!

I need to remember just to sit in spawn and snipe when you lot are on lol - no fun trying to play serious when your team is just casuals against 2-3 sets of organised vehicles.
100% CPU usage at all times with a 4670k at 5ghz with SLI 670s that cannot be right surely?

I'm afraid it is, i5 is a bit of a bottleneck in this game with sli. Had the same issue with a 3570k and 670 sli in bf3. Eventually moved to a 3770k.
Sorry about jumping off last nigh chaps, seems my friend managed to get 361 malware intrusions on his PC. I had to step-by-step show him how to delete everything and reformat.

Today I have to show him the step-by-step on how to re install everything and how to stay "net safe" - Jesus!
I was playing there with decent squad before you guys showed up for about 4 rounds and they was already getting wrecked. Then ocuk backup had arrived and made it worst :)
First time playing there aswell. saw the name old gits having fun. Though id join it being a old git :p

That round on dawnbreakers with you hazard in tank was lolz. Hope i didnt work you to hard!

np, easy rep and gunner points are easy!

Sorry about jumping off last nigh chaps, seems my friend managed to get 361 malware intrusions on his PC. I had to step-by-step show him how to delete everything and reformat.

Today I have to show him the step-by-step on how to re install everything and how to stay "net safe" - Jesus!

I'm guessing your friend took an interest in amateur films ;)
Shame, you missed some more OcUK ownage (although we had some good competition for some rounds). Too many fast vehicle spawn or silly ticket servers though.

Managed 3 mvps somehow! Only 2 more to go to get the medal!
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