The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Think I am done with bf 4 for the time being tbh.

- far too many cheating *****
- getting black screens, happens randomly
- **** choice of servers now

So it is back to hardline or reinstall bf 3.......


might even get bc 2 on
Yup, I have encountered at least 1-2 cheaters each night now.

2 def. cheaters tonight and a couple of proper ****ing dodgy ones, not aimbot but imo using a macro and possibly a wallhack, I very rarely would call people out for cheating but those few were just "too" good....
I should stop trying to kill ocuk when they in tanks. Ends up in my dieing a billion times :D

Was looking at nexus tank on silk road and i let 5 guys run by just so i can sneak behind him. Then some guy in littlebird decides to start shooting at u so u end up looking in my direction and you see me. 2nd time i go for engine and some low rank just happens to be passing by as i have my rpg out!

Beer power failed me tonight
- Xonatic
^^ Yeah I had a run of 3-4 KDR games then some of the OcUK lot jumped on and it turned into a 0.43 KDR round heh. I like a challenge but its one thing to go 1 v many against casuals/randoms and another against people actually working together with comms :S
Think I am done with bf 4 for the time being tbh.

I think I might do the same. Hacking is definitely a daily occurrence now. But what ****es me off more is the dead-weight, useless team mates with no desire to play or just can't play at all, expecting you to do the work for them. Yesterday was a prime example of that; having the enemy tank twice and no one bothering to get on flags. It's infuriating beyond belief.

I just can't be arsed anymore. Might come back when they bring out some new maps. BF3 is a better, more solid game overall, but it tends to bore me after a few rounds. It's definitely more fun though. Played BC2 with Patsy last week and it was the same; just randoms doing f-all, while we pay the price for their lack of everything (awareness, common sense, ptfoing, team work, insight, you name it).
That silk map..... urgh, possibly the second worst map ever.

And yeah I thought to myself a few times, damn this engi. is a right pita :p

Yeah I agree xin, have felt like that over the last few weeks tbh and as a result, I am finding myself not bothering to PTFO as much. Not sure what to do as there are no other FPS MP games that interest me so the only real other choice atm is bf 3, wouldn't mind some hardline but.... the stupid quick TTK + weapon balance would probably make me rage quit after a night of games :p
I think I might do the same. Hacking is definitely a daily occurrence now. But what ****es me off more is the dead-weight, useless team mates with no desire to play or just can't play at all, expecting you to do the work for them. Yesterday was a prime example of that; having the enemy tank twice and no one bothering to get on flags. It's infuriating beyond belief.

I just can't be arsed anymore. Might come back when they bring out some new maps. BF3 is a better, more solid game overall, but it tends to bore me after a few rounds. It's definitely more fun though. Played BC2 with Patsy last week and it was the same; just randoms doing f-all, while we pay the price for their lack of everything (awareness, common sense, ptfoing, team work, insight, you name it).

I just can't get over the visual recoil, blue tint and horrible suppression!
Quick question, does Mantle work on the 32bit version of BF4? I've enabled it manually via the GstRender.MantleEnabled 1 command in the profile but i'm not sure if it's actually working.
Iirc it is. Best bet would be to check if the options available from the options menu.

Pure interest but why are you running the 32 bit one?

It was disabled a while ago as it causes crashes in 32bit but would have hoped it was fixed by now.
The 64bit version will not work on my computer, get an error code along the lines of 'MSVCP.100DLL is missing' or something like that. Googled around and it's supposedly something to do with Microsoft Redistributable 2012 C+ which i've re-installed multiple times and i've still not managed to get it to work. In the end I got sick of trying to fix it and settled on the x32bit version instead. Does the x64bit version run better than the x43bit version?
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