The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Argh I've no experience with that error and googling suggests to do exactly as you've done :(.

Erm iirc the only difference between 32 and 64 would be 64 can use more than 4gb of ram if needed. Afaik bf4 min specs are 4gb of ram so you shouldn't notice a difference.

Edit: sorry did you reinstall both 32 and 64bit Microsoft redistributable? I vaguely remember there being two versions of this.

Edit2: I have had luck using "sfc /scannow" from an elevated CMD prompt to fix dll issues before.

(Can take a while)
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Maybe everyone should buy COD :D.

COD stopped being good with 4 :( as much as I loved MW2 it was all downhill from there. MW2 was awesome and lame for the same reason heh - nothing in BF4 has made my hands shake like getting those last 3 kills for a the second nuke reward in one spree (50 kill spree).
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nexus ur either fat or ur the owner of a curry shop... all u do is eat indians haha!

be on tomorrow to troll if anyones about..

or even some bf3!
Games last night ruined me. Confirmed hackers and some dodgy guys in every server. Playing Silk Road did me in, hate that map with a passion.

I might be about tonight, but won't be doing a long session if I am.
Anyone know if the Buzzing sound loop crash has been fixed? It requires a hard reset as everything is non responsive. Found loads of threads on it but nothing seems to be concrete on how to fix it.
The hackers really ruined it last night, if there is much more of this to come I'll be looking for a new game. The thing is, HL and battlefront will be just as bad if they don't get a grip.
It's a real shame as it was good to see so many of us on last night.
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nexus ur either fat or ur the owner of a curry shop... all u do is eat indians haha!

be on tomorrow to troll if anyones about..

or even some bf3!

Could always do with a lb pilot :D RE: Josh, Xin, Nex why didn't you guys just leave and find another server if the cheaters were that bad?

Good to see the guy/girl I caught the other day is now up to version 43 of their hacks...
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The hackers really ruined it last night

lol that pair on Shanghai, one was sat on the tall tower, invisible, just shooting into our base...all you could see was his gun on the killcam. While his mate was gunning in a tank, spraying his aimbot all over the shop. Absolute ******s the pair of them.

Probably playing from a hospice somewhere, foaming at the mouth.
Why didn't you just leave?

Well I think a few of the guys were having a decent enough round in tank, at least I think Nexus was, and it wasn't that many tickets left. I think we all left the server after and then joined another, which also had a lot of suspicious wallhack/macro guys.
lol that pair on Shanghai, one was sat on the tall tower, invisible, just shooting into our base...all you could see was his gun on the killcam. While his mate was gunning in a tank, spraying his aimbot all over the shop. Absolute ******s the pair of them.

Probably playing from a hospice somewhere, foaming at the mouth.

I thought I was safe from them in a tank, but roof C4 pros kept forcing me to rep at which point I was exposed to Mr 1 shot across the map with the rep tool.
It wouldn't surprise me to learn they were staff at a hospice who after abusing their patients go and cheat online for more lols

Why didn't you just leave?

We did, then we came across a load of macro abusers, and then servers with too many tickets where practically the whole map ended up as a giant crater. We didn't have the best of luck TBH.
Fellas anyone running nvidia cards, what drivers are you using? i'm getting a white screen crash as i leave the game - admittedly i am playing around with my OC, but is there an issue with chrome and nvidia drivers atm??

Not going to re-install bf 3 as I need the room for batman on my ssd (supposedly a lot better performance than on mech. drive), when I do a format for windows 10 in the next few weeks, I'll get a bigger ssd and then stick bf 3 back on for good, hopefully the cheating situation won't be as bad by then but I have no idea as to when game time will end :/

Going to switch back to DX API and see if that stops the black loading screens with EA online error message.

Quick question, does Mantle work on the 32bit version of BF4? I've enabled it manually via the GstRender.MantleEnabled 1 command in the profile but i'm not sure if it's actually working.

I don't think mantle does work with 32 bit, at least it didn't for me last time my game auto switched to it 32 bit....

nexus ur either fat or ur the owner of a curry shop... all u do is eat indians haha!

be on tomorrow to troll if anyones about..

or even some bf3!

haha, "nexus bot special curries to go" :D What can I say, I love my food especially take aways :D

Going to have an indian again later.....

left overs from last night :p

why didn't you guys just leave and find another server if the cheaters were that bad?

We really should have and normally I would leave straight away but when you have 10+ guys on, it is a right pita finding a decent server these days :( So I just stuck with it hoping they would leave after that round then when we saw that they weren't going to leave, we found another server.... which had at least 2 macro/wallhack abusers :(

I am not going on any more "vanilla" servers until game time is over.

Probably playing from a hospice somewhere, foaming at the mouth.

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look whats arrived boyz :)

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