The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Yep - running perfectly for me. Won't be on tonight. After 32 days without alcohol I'm back on it.

Sunday beer sessions are officially back on Hazard :D

You no play this evening??? It's much more fun drunk! :confused:

Sunday it is then! :D
(I have a korean marinated beef short rib in the sous vide at the moment which (after 48 hours of cooking!) will be ready to BBQ for lunch on Sunday. After that it's game time!!)
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can anyone confirm if there is a password on our TS channel? just reinstalled after doing Windows 10, but not letting me join

*nevermind chappos, got it now.
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What type of crash - can you been more specific? Running W10 and 980Ti with latest W10 drivers without issues here.

Maybe try manually updating punkbuster?

Here is a screen shot.

holy poo poo games amazing on my new sony bravia TV... zero input lag in games witcher 3 looks better then it does on my 950D lol... and super smooth cant believe how good this tv is.. defo gonna try BF on it later if anyone is playing!
nice westie, what model you get?

Tried playing this game again but:

- cheater
- black screen with the error message: Could not join server (1)

Absolutely no point me playing when this black screen issue is happening pretty much every round, even twice during 1 round sometimes! Tried updating drivers etc., uninstalling AV, updating punkbuster etc.
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weird mate, if the only thing you have changed is a driver version in the past few weeks, then it must be the new has to be. I take it you've done DDU, maybe put the voltage back to default, I know you said you are running -30mv now, maybe its not getting enough juice.

Failing that, good time to jump on Windows 10, OS is giving you issues, good time to upgrade that 8.1 to 10 and then clean install of W10. :)

Talking of those games tonight, I absolutely loved that Golmud round, was so good again, our Port drinking pi$$ head Crispy had his try hards on, laughs were epic, game was performing amazing on Windows 10 with these 390's, freesync looking amazing...........and then next game hackers and everything from there on just went down hill fast. It leaves such a sour taste, just one cheating scrub in a game completely ruins it for me, just had to leave.
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^^ Hopefully it will die down when the kids are back to school. Was speccing someone earlier who was hiding they were cheating pretty well (smooth aim, low fov, etc.)... except every time they switched weapons it would snap to precisely the amount they needed to lead - every time instantly snapping dead on extrapolation of the exact distance ahead of the target.
Yup done ddu as well tony :( Have also tried repairing the game, removed my user cfg.

I had thought that too but I have had -37mv for quite a while now and didn't have any issues in bf 4 when I first did it (in fact that is what I played to check the stability of -37mv), also I imagine if that was an issue, I would get a hard crash, blue screen instead.

The most annoying thing is though, I haven't had any issues in other games :/

I will do windows 10 install at some point but not just yet as everything else is working fine and I might be getting new stuff in the next couple of weeks so will need to do it then besides it's not like I am missing much in cheaterfield 4 :p
Cheater when I was playing tonight. Just a little bit! Kill feed was showing he was getting 10-15 HS in a row with fairly regularity. Of course I didn't really mind that much, he was on my side! :D Look at the daily stats on BF4DB though. He wasn't very good at all right up until May, didn't play at all in June then suddenly he gets mentally good. Seems Legit.

He's in the same clan as the hacker that we encountered, you don't forget seeing that clan tag and emblem.
I had thought that too but I have had -37mv for quite a while now and didn't have any issues in bf 4 when I first did it (in fact that is what I played to check the stability of -37mv), also I imagine if that was an issue, I would get a hard crash, blue screen instead.

The most annoying thing is though, I haven't had any issues in other games :/

Yeah but we all know BF4 is the ultimate test for machine stability lol. I'd reset the core voltage to 0 mate and go from there.
Yup when we get cheater free rounds, it is great but it seems like it is a challenge to get a night free of cheaters now :( And the annoying thing is that was a DLC server too...
They clearly have work to do with banning these *****!! Shame they can't get it right. We need someone to invent a few anti-cheat system :P
Hackfield 5?

There will be a new Battlefield game in 2016, a spokesperson for publisher Electronic Arts has confirmed. Speaking during an investor's call (where all exciting video game announcements are hidden), EA CFO Blake Jorgensen confirmed the news.

"What we've said is that our intention over the next couple of years is to have a first-person shooter as one of the core titles," Jorgensen said (via IGN). "This year, obviously, it's Star Wars Battlefront. Next year, it's another Battlefield title."
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