The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Yup when we get cheater free rounds, it is great but it seems like it is a challenge to get a night free of cheaters now :( And the annoying thing is that was a DLC server too...

yeh, after that last night I was in no mood to play.
They weren't your usual gametime hackers, they are supernoobs who've got frustrated and started to cheat. They aren't nearly as common as the gametime plague. They will get banned pretty sharpish.

That new BF game announced might not be BF5, it could be a new BC.

Oh my head hurts this morning. :(
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The thing is, if DICE don't do anything about the cheating situation, it will kill their next BF game before they even get it released.

yeh, after that last night I was in no mood to play.

Yup it just completely kills this game for me :(

I don't know why either but it seems like well admin'd servers are long gone these days, with bc 2 and bf 3, you had a large amount of well admin'd servers....

Your head hurts?! Imagine how crispy feels after all that "port" :D :p
lmao DAT PORT!!!!

my god, that's just not what you expect a lad to say he's drinking during a Friday night gaming session, OMG I was almost wetting myself how he said it.
The thing is, if DICE don't do anything about the cheating situation, it will kill their next BF game before they even get it released.

Quite. Why would people trust their next game to be a fair playing field if they won't sort out their current games. And gametime is simply taking the **** out of the players who did pay.

Your head hurts?! Imagine how crispy feels after all that "port" :D :p

I imagine he may have lost his voice a little. :D
Not much they can really do though about the cheating situation (PB and fairfight are constantly kicking and banning people but they are being replaced as quickly as they are banned) - it will die down once the kids go back to school but even with a dedicated team you can only really tread water while the cheat authors are pumping them out. Things like game time, etc. don't help either as people are a lot less likely to cheat when it can mean losing their entire account, etc.

Its kind of sad as for awhile BF4 was the most cheat free I'd seen a game like that in awhile.
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Nice to see there's still cheats and problems with this game think i will go back to BF3 when I get my new laptop it's quite a shame really
BF4 is worth a punt, just have to accept that you may run into some cheaters.

Sadly EA don't seem to care.
I guess it would be fun to start bf4 again seeing as I refuse to buy hardline & starting from the beginning again should hopefully keep me occupied until bf5 comes out
I guess it would be fun to start bf4 again seeing as I refuse to buy hardline & starting from the beginning again should hopefully keep me occupied until bf5 comes out

I'm just playing single player games atm until the issues with Battlefield are sorted. Since BF3 has no support you have to rely on active admins to stomp out hackers. With BF4 you just have to hope that DICE will do something. I did get into a disagreement over Twitter with DICE's community manager and told him he should be ashamed with himself for ignoring the community's concerns.

I've got MGS Phantom Pain to look forward to in September and unless there are some drastic changes made to BF it's just going to remain unplayed.
Interesting watch.
What's everyone else's opinions if BF5 is to come out?
I grew up with cod on the xbox, and one style I loved, was WW2.
Would be pretty great if they developed a game in the past like that, just hopefully not a futuristic game..too many out there as it is, and it woudn't match their style in the franchise tbh
I guess it would be fun to start bf4 again seeing as I refuse to buy hardline & starting from the beginning again should hopefully keep me occupied until bf5 comes out

bf 4 is my go to game as long as there are others on as playing lone wolf sucks!

if your in a squad its loads of fun, well worth playing.

cheaters gona cheat. you get it in most games.

if you decide to game again on bf4 add me im on quite abit.
Interesting watch.
What's everyone else's opinions if BF5 is to come out?
I grew up with cod on the xbox, and one style I loved, was WW2.
Would be pretty great if they developed a game in the past like that, just hopefully not a futuristic game..too many out there as it is, and it woudn't match their style in the franchise tbh

Not clicking that link in case it is from a Ronku puppet and we have seen what their consultations with DICE have done to BF4 and Hardline.

However, the next Battlefield title should be a grass roots Battlefield game with great map design and less or no gadget spam that makes gameplay; vehicle and infrantry warfare balanced. I'm not bothered about the era.
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