The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I didnt realise there was a thread for OCUk peeps..when I get my new gpu, need to add you lot and have a game, im a highly skilled sniper :P main class I play on all maps haha
Oh man... :P had an awesome game on oman just now:

My team just randomly all started working together - looked like something out of a video from Syria or Iraq with 20+ infantry + tanks and lavs working together running across open ground in a big mob.

Like the way they talk up the 99 kill community mission like its a challenge :( took less than an hour.
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had 1 game and was meh, bf3 not much better, so many badmins and rage ********...oh and plenty of clueless players.

Banned for spot hack, spamming q is cheating :p That admin was a right toss pot

You're damned if you do, damned if you don't in Battlefield. If you get put in a team with people who don't play as a team/squad or ptfo you'll lose every single match.

Then if you play with a platoon you get accused for team stacking and being a poor player when you base rape within 5 mins.
when was this shot kiwi?

was it some weeks ago?

ive been floating about and i havnt seen many on i thought everyone had gone to db or gta5

Yeh was a few weeks ago - was reviewing some footage and thought it was rather funny. You can't beat the feeling of RPGing a AC :D I'm been away during the week and was at a festival last weekend so not been on that much. Had a few games last night :)
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The one that really grinds me is coming around a corner and finding yourself like 1 on 5 - the enemy you concentrate your fire almost always lives - some random player in the crowd dies to your shots - usually one blocked by 2 other players and then you die to one of the players who was in the least likely position to shoot you. (Coming from COD4 where I'd usually take most if not all of them out in that situation makes me rage that I can't do the same in BF4 lol).

They really need to tighten up the way the game works when there are a lot of players with varying latency in the equation and I think the server boxes are becoming a bit "over-subscribed" - seeing a lot more tradekills and dying long after going into cover - this one the other day had me laughing though there are a couple of ways its explainable - especially with a mix of latency/slower server update in the equation.

Tracert I did to the server I play on mostly - I know it doesn't show stuff like packetloss and jitter but my connection is pretty decent and I'm used to a much more responsive environment on a low latency connection coming from other FPS games :S

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
5 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
6 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms []
8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms []
9 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms []
10 9 ms 11 ms 9 ms []

Trace complete.

dice cant balance the games anymore.
BF2 had it right with hitbox, ping and movement of the avatar.
it wasnt perfect but you had consistency and it was fun

Bc2 made the tunnel effect happen and the hitbox and hitreg to be wrong and worsen with BF3 and BF4 and dice dont understand what went wrong with their own game as if they did they would fixed it the same they had with Bf2.

They simply have no idea what made their own game they created, fun.
I do but they dont call me and hire me to fix it for them.:p
dice cant balance the games anymore.
BF2 had it right with hitbox, ping and movement of the avatar.
it wasnt perfect but you had consistency and it was fun

BF2 had the consistency right... when it worked... so often you could empty a magazine into someone to no effect and then have them 1 shot you with a pistol :S

The problem with BF4 is they are trying to reconcile events over too long a time period in one update - even the "high" frequency stuff is only papering over the cracks a bit - 30hz update rate in BF4 will never feel like 30hz in other games unless they do some massive restructuring. The game contrives too much "after the fact" - with a lot of tweaking it now mirrors what actually happened far more often than it doesn't but it still comes apart not infrequently.
Not sure how well UK servers will hold upto 60Hz mind :( I get the feeling from playing lately that a good bit of the problem is due to the server boxes being "over-subscribed". Playing on other country servers - even with similar ping to UK ones feels more consistent usually.
Not sure how well UK servers will hold upto 60Hz mind :( I get the feeling from playing lately that a good bit of the problem is due to the server boxes being "over-subscribed". Playing on other country servers - even with similar ping to UK ones feels more consistent usually.

I wouldn't be surprised. Boxes are expensive enough as it is, there is also a lot of competition in the market so I would imagine the temptation to do more with less would be there.

I'm assuming that the upgrade in hardware resources required to run 60hz will be passed directly onto the consumer.

Hopefully they patch in the server FPS counter on the netgraph to retail. This is actually a pretty good way of viewing the servers performance. I'm assuming if they give us better tools to view server side performance it will put more pressure on game server providers to spec the machines as needed.
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