The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I wouldn't be surprised. Boxes are expensive enough as it is, there is also a lot of competition in the market so I would imagine the temptation to do more with less would be there.

I'm assuming that the upgrade in hardware resources required to run 60hz will be passed directly onto the consumer.

Hopefully they patch in the server FPS counter on the netgraph to retail. This is actually a pretty good way of viewing the servers performance. I'm assuming if they give us better tools to view server side performance it will put more pressure on game server providers to spec the machines as needed.

While I understand the reasoning for ranked BF4 hosting being locked down to authorised providers its annoying I can't just host my own servers - always used to run my own dedicated boxes back in the day to get the best possible performance (talking proper hosting - dual Xeon 5440/unlimited gigabit when I called it a day - not hosting off my home broadband heh).
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Is it worth jumping into bf4 this late into the day? Previously spent many of hours on 2142, bc2 and bf3. Tempted to hold out for Star Wars battlefront.

Folks, I just tried playing BF4 online for the first time... I got my ass handed to me.

Are there any guides or tips to get started in this game? Im literally running around like a headless chicken and I don't have any weapons unlocked....
nexus drowned in a tikka masala... i wouldnt worry to much!..

best tips for a beginner.. dont bother with bf4 :)

Maybe he went back to the farm for the harvest?

Have noticed a huge influx of new players. When I asked them they mentioned that it wasn't game time but they had got the game @ 50% off :eek:
Thanks watching that now.

Howabout guides about how to get the weapons, best maps to start out on, vehicle tips etc?

Don't even try to do too much with vehicles at first heh.

If you are driving? a boat don't stop still as that makes your passengers sitting targets.

If you are gunner think a bit about what you are doing rather than just blasting away as the driver if they are any good will hate you for i.e. giving their position away, etc. (then just blast away anyhow to wind them up).

Don't use attack vehicles as personal transport :P

You should have the first level of weapons unlocked - stuff like the ak5c, etc. they all have fairly decent rate of fire, stability and muzzle velocity so you shouldn't be outclassed once you have a couple of basic attachments unlocked in that regard.

I'd probably say start as support and run with carbines and ammo pack->box at first to learn the ropes as you can be useful to the team without having to expose yourself to too much danger. (Plus you get access to C4 so you can start sticking it on vehicles and detonate it when enemy tanks are close by/ram them and jump out and detonate :D)
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Don't even try to do too much with vehicles at first heh.

If you are driving? a boat don't stop still as that makes your passengers sitting targets.

If you are gunner think a bit about what you are doing rather than just blasting away as the driver if they are any good will hate you for i.e. giving their position away, etc. (then just blast away anyhow to wind them up).

Don't use attack vehicles as personal transport :P

You should have the first level of weapons unlocked - stuff like the ak5c, etc. they all have fairly decent rate of fire, stability and muzzle velocity so you shouldn't be outclassed once you have a couple of basic attachments unlocked in that regard.

I'd probably say start as support and run with carbines and ammo pack->box at first to learn the ropes as you can be useful to the team without having to expose yourself to too much danger. (Plus you get access to C4 so you can start sticking it on vehicles and detonate it when enemy tanks are close by/ram them and jump out and detonate :D)

Nice one thanks for the all the advice and links folks :)

Also what kind of Mice are you guys using can I ask?

dont forget to drop m15 mines everywhere if playing conquest just by the flags or on the main roads, when playing as a engineer,

i be on later around 9ish add me if you want, jamiehard1989

Cheers will do!
My advice.

Assault: Drop health packs when your squad needs them. Revive teammates to 100% by fully charging your paddles. Kill stuff
Engineer: Kill vehicles. If you're going to jump in a tank or another vehicle repair the vehicle when needed. Don't wait for <30% to get out and repair. Don't jump in secondary spot in other vesicles if you can't repair
Support: DROP AMMO, DROP AMMO, DROP AMMO. Did I mention to drop ammo - For the love of god, DROOOOP AMMMOOOOO
Recon: This is a pointless class. Don't play recon. Recon is for scrubs
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My advice.

Assault: Drop health packs when your squad needs them. Revive teammates to 100% by fully charging your paddles. Kill stuff.
Engineer: Kill vechicles. If you're going to jump in a tank or about vehicle repair the vechicle when needed. Don't wait for <30% to get out and repair.
Support: DROP AMMO, DROP AMMO, DROP AMMO. Did I mention to drop ammo. For the love of god, DROOOOP AMMMOOOOO
Recon: This is a pointless class. Don't play recon. Recon is for scrubs.

How I wish everyone played the game!

Although I play hardcore instead of normal as the spotting just means everyone shoots at red triangles instead of actually seeing people for themselves people.
Basically do your job to begin with. Drop ammo as support in high traffic areas or during a firefight, revive/throw med packs as Assault, shoot vehicles, repair or drop mines etc. Nothing worse than a selfish Support playing when you're down to your last half mag.
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