The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

If you are in a squad doing nothing - join a squad doing something, stick with them and help out, don't rush blindly around corners; peak them.
Great stuff cheers folks.

Peak? As in lean? Can you lean in BF4?

If you are (very) close to a corner and ADS it will auto peek/lean - I've not found it that practical in general* but it could be a good habit to get into for the times when it is useful. You can tell when you can do it as your gun model will cant to one side when close enough.

* But I tend to be a very +forward player
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Worth buying premium for £20? What's the DLC like? I'm getting back into BF4 again since I have a new 980ti.

Yes IMO.

Some highlights from tonights games. The multikill at the end was quite satisfying.

Some good games in the end, shame I was kicked from that parcel storm after an epic RPG on the little bird. To quote SQUEEZE "They don't like it up em!" :D
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Great to get back playing with some of you last night. Ive missed playing in a squad that actually understands what is needed and does it. A back flag being taken then 2 or 3 of us spawning in to recapture/hold. Someone taking a flag on their own then spawn in to help. It makes this game so much easier/better and the points rack up faster too

I may join TS but not speak as I need to be quiet in the evenings , this wont be a problem as I can hear what you guys are saying and plan my moves accordingly.

Tips to help out :- Spam your spot key all the time , especially as gunner in tanks/apc. If you are a gunner then constantly watch the opposite direction to the tanks turret , don't let them sneaky c4 dudes creep up on you.

I'm trying to get round to adding a few of you as I go
Funny games tonight. Much lols.

Sorry I had to go early. Enjoyed the game on Anarchy#1, it was close but we turned it! ;)

1TB EVO 850 should be in my possession tomorrow, so BF3, BF4, BF4 CTE , HL, and SWBF can all be installed at the same time! :D
Folks, can I ask what mice are you all using? Does 1000hz mice really make a difference?

Also I was told there is a tweak which removes further "mouse acceleration" from Windows 7? (this is in addition to unticking the mouse acceration box in the mouse settings)?
I use a Corsair M65 mouse, my dpi is 400, I can't remember my in game sesnitivity but it is pretty low.

Yeah the mouse fix is a regedit file, I can't remember the website but if you put "mouse acceleration fix" into good you should find it.
I use a Corsair M65 mouse, my dpi is 400, I can't remember my in game sesnitivity but it is pretty low.

Yeah the mouse fix is a regedit file, I can't remember the website but if you put "mouse acceleration fix" into good you should find it.

Whats the polling rate on that M65 Josh? I though thats more important than the sensitivty?
And did you do that regedit fix also?
Yeah I did the regedit, no idea what the polling rate its, no idea if it is better.

I just at and things and kill them, if I start missing it has nothing to do with my polling rate or dpi, just my bad aim.

Find a mouse you like and play with it, there is no "best bf4 mouse on the market" - some people prefer the Zowie FK1, some the Roccat Kone, some the Logi/MS offerings.
I'm running 1000hz - According to blurbusters its a must especially if you're running 144hz. I've not re-run the regedit fix since I upgraded to Windows 10. Not sure if you really need to do it these days.
Folks, can I ask what mice are you all using? Does 1000hz mice really make a difference?

Also I was told there is a tweak which removes further "mouse acceleration" from Windows 7? (this is in addition to unticking the mouse acceration box in the mouse settings)?

Higher polling rate = reduced input lag

Markc mouse fix is what you need to eliminate mouse smoothing/acceleration

In Game turn on RAW Input.

As for mice, chose one that is most comfortable to grip. Then chose one that offers more buttons if that is what you desire and has a good sensor that minimizes jitter across the dpi range (any of the latest mice have decent sensors).

1TB EVO 850 should be in my possession tomorrow, so BF3, BF4, BF4 CTE , HL, and SWBF can all be installed at the same time! :D

So meaty :eek:
I would love one but can't justify the price. When they come down to £125'ish then I'll bite :D
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