The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I'm on nights guys so I can't get on too late as I have to poddle off to work.

I'll have so other types of shifts soon so will get on more then.

Dodgers add me if you want I'll be on in the day.

Will do when I get home this morning

So what was the tiny change?

I'm intrigued too as I've had a couple of hit markers but no damage lately (on helis that is)
It won't be useful to most people - coming from quake/COD games that are based on the idtech3 engine I have my setup very optimised around 125fps including low level mouse, graphics and network tweaks - to cut a long story short while it works fine with most games seems BF4 doesn't like this.
I seem to remember making network tweaks when I was playing CS back in the 90s but I don't think it's necessary these days unless you are playing at a super high level.
wow i cant believe how much people have to change games to play them.

ive never had a problem must be a lucky one.

Its like an old comfortable pair of shoes - probably no real tangible benefits these days but I'm used to a certain feel.

Its not a big deal though - other than the fact I "shouldn't" have to these days - I can tweak my settings around a 120fps cap instead of 125fps cap and its all good. Might just be coincidence or it could be tied to being multiples of the update rate.
Had a fun round last night playing vs someone called -Karolooo5000- He started running his mouth when lost his littlebird to a sabot.
Was thinking is this guy polish. reminds me of Farmed-by-byk. Totally acting like him. Only to notice after game that he was in same clan as him :D

started calling me every name under the sun. So i said whats up. you used to farming noobs who dont shoot back? then i sabot him twice more due to ho him flying low and hovering like a old lady then witnessed him flying into a wall. was class. wish i captured it :p
He has a nice 48% quit rate like most of there members. quit after 1 or 2 deaths to protect there spm and kpm kd. Then haves the nerve to bring up kpm stats

I really wonder are they trolling or just that supid with there big ego's. You could shoot them out a chopper with pistol and they prob call you pistol noob ^^
Probably a mixture of both.

Stats in this game mean **** anyhow - if I reset mine and rolled with L85A2 all day and quit whenever my KDR was tanking I'd have like ~2.8KDR, 800-900 SPM/~600 skill rating and if I lamed it up with airburst/lvg, fbs, etc. probably another 20-30% on that.

(Nothing wrong with L85A2 its one of my favourite guns - I just spend a lot of time running around doing stuff like CQB with 338-Recon etc. that doesn't tend to contribute to stats as well).
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Epic games and some epic comebacks tonight! :D

Finally got my mvp medal too :D
Wait a month and two mvp rounds come in one night!
All about the squad though, I was lucky to be squad leader.
Sadly my PC seems to be ****** as it's just beeping at me five times on boot and the graphics card fan is running at full speed. Thread in general HW but one thing I cannot afford this month is a new CPU. :( car needs service and MOT. Arse.
Sadly my PC seems to be ****** as it's just beeping at me five times on boot and the graphics card fan is running at full speed. Thread in general HW but one thing I cannot afford this month is a new CPU. :( car needs service and MOT. Arse.

Skylake build then or just new cpu?
I've just read some bios codes and one is process failure the other is cmos battery fail let's hope you just need a new battery. Good luck.

Anyway overclockers has a server right? Did anyone get admin rights? Can we get the server going some we can get vip and load straight in.

As long as it has dlc and vote map then what more would you need.
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