The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Logitech G500s here and it's been fine for me in every game I play. I don't have a huge amount of room on my desk so the DPI is up at 800 I think. It has adjustable 'on the fly' changes so sometimes I turn it up in a vehicle and down when sniping. I think it's 400, 800 and 1200 but I would need to check.
Folks, can I ask what mice are you all using? Does 1000hz mice really make a difference?

Also I was told there is a tweak which removes further "mouse acceleration" from Windows 7? (this is in addition to unticking the mouse acceration box in the mouse settings)?

Having atleast 500Hz is of benefit - but you do need the skill to take advantage of it - it isn't a passive boost to your abilities.
i just took the screen to pieces as benq said that they wont do owt unless i pay.

theres two sandwiched screen layers i just separated them and rubbed the bug off:D

blamo nearly as satisfying as long range heli shot with tank.....nearly:p

josh come back us northerns need to stick together
Installed and played a couple of matches, game is still terrible. Players just teleport around you and the red jam hit markers are out of sync with where you got shot from. When are all these promised updates coming?
^^ UK servers seem to be terrible last 2-3 days - last night was rubber banding all over the place + other glitches like geometry from destroyed buildings being totally out of sync, etc. on several different servers I tried - pretty sure its not my end as I can jump into a quakelive game, etc. and its perfectly smooth.
Sorry went to the gym in the end.

Just have no enthusiasm to play games at the moment. Must be the nice weather.
Sigh feel like an idiot - my loadout somehow got reset for the scout helis and I didn't notice but was flying like I had it the way I'd set it up and wondering why I was getting mauled (worse than usual) all of a sudden.
Edited grumpy post - so got really grumpy with the "netcode" and on the brink of putting down the game again decided to run a bit with the netgraph on to double check it wasn't my connection (which I'm pretty sure it isn't) and see if I could identify any issues and by complete accident stumbled on something really silly... one tiny change (that should NOT be an issue if Dice was competent :S) and suddenly I'm hitting helicopters, etc. (when my aim is on) instead of it being totally random:

Still doesn't change how spongy most UK servers are at the moment but improved the consistency of hit reg loads.
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I'm on nights guys so I can't get on too late as I have to poddle off to work.

I'll have so other types of shifts soon so will get on more then.

Dodgers add me if you want I'll be on in the day.
Edited grumpy post - so got really grumpy with the "netcode" and on the brink of putting down the game again decided to run a bit with the netgraph on to double check it wasn't my connection (which I'm pretty sure it isn't) and see if I could identify any issues and by complete accident stumbled on something really silly... one tiny change (that should NOT be an issue if Dice was competent :S) and suddenly I'm hitting helicopters, etc. (when my aim is on) instead of it being totally random:

Still doesn't change how spongy most UK servers are at the moment but improved the consistency of hit reg loads.

So what was the tiny change?
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