The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Just started using the ACW-R last night. wow is all I can say, it's a beast. :D

Badmin on Essex rifles was determined not to let us play as a squad sadly. I was 2nd on the winning team and then get autobalanced and prevented from rejoining. Won't play on that server again if they are going to do that. :mad:

Did I get you with the mortar Dg? ;):p

dg is suspended. I'd like to say just for posting Hardline videos but unfortunately the Hardline video he posted had swear words.
It's thursday nexus, read the platoon wall where I update all the relevant info :P

Also Nexus let me know on Blog rather than here jeeeez, what happens if loads of people post and it goes to the next page...THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!
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Just started using the ACW-R last night. wow is all I can say, it's a beast. :D

Badmin on Essex rifles was determined not to let us play as a squad sadly. I was 2nd on the winning team and then get autobalanced and prevented from rejoining. Won't play on that server again if they are going to do that. :mad:

Did I get you with the mortar Dg? ;):p

Wow, I can't believe they did that. Some people are such lame butt hurts. Nice work with the ACW-R last night mate. I was getting the feel for it myself but had to leave :( Looking forward to getting some optics on it and a grip of some description.

Pleased with my performance considering I really don't know the angles on OP Locker and I was using ironsights on a new gun. Needs an extended mag upgrade if you ask me, then it would be unstoppable! :p

Oh I got best Engineer on that link you posted. Muahahah, mad pro rep skills FTW :D

Edit - quick question - I have 2 BF4 icons on my desktop, a 64bit one and a normal one (presumably 32bit?). Any advantages to running 32bit over 64?
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