The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I think you would have been better off coming on a 3000 ticket metro server with myself, Locky, Hazard and Crispy than watching footy tonight mate, was epic fun listening to Locky go on about "Quick Dipping" and "Distant Dipping" ;)

I didn't end up watching it, work had a Regimental Boxing match so ended up getting a buckshe invite and watched people smash the hell out of each other instead. Much like the football actually.

However been on an all day conference about digital media today so my brain is fried. Pizza and sofa monging for me.
much fun tonight, back to the old skool, really enjoyable nights action in game and on comms. More over the weekend me thinks, unless you'll all be playing blops III ;)


Really enjoyed the jungle map round tonight.

Will be on tomorrow night.
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Hit level 5 last night, go me.
Learned the hard way about knife countering. Went in for melee on a guy and got countered. Following his ":DDDDDDDDDDDDDd" in chat, the internal rage was monstrous, but I managed to deal with it.
The ragequit came 5s later after I spawned on a teammate under fire.

I have so much to learn :D
nice one. If you wanna level up real fast, add a few of us to your friends list and join us in games. Normally have a few squads going and really easy to level up with some of the guys here if you wanna go in a vehicle as gunner.
GG's last night, the banter was real. Much fun.

I'll be on tonight for some more.

1...2...3...let's all laugh at black ops la la la la, let's all laugh at black ops la la la la.
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