The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Show some respect to your new UB, he has done some tireless snitching to get the opportunity to take it to the next level.

Well earned promotion.
Latest Update for Achievements, we all know Hazard likes an achievement.

Premium Golden Award

I believe they get a little hat and a badge Nexus



A) Verbal warning that a visit from the prisoner justice system is coming
B) A Boiling hot concoction of cherryade, sugar, urine will be thrown into his face
C) His food and all possessions will be removed from him by force
D) He will admit to being a grass and be sent to the sex offender/poor coper area of the prison and thereafter be named a noncey grass.

I vote C so I can have his Swift.


Plus he has clearly already RTM'd a post as his "don muscle" has arrived.


Sure, we can do C and then move on to D :D

Show some respect to your new UB, he has done some tireless snitching to get the opportunity to take it to the next level.

Well earned promotion.

Doesn't really matter what that rank reads though does it. Now if the game had some pretty awesome weapons or perks for end game then it would mean something.
Ooh I think I may need to get into that 3200 ticket lockers server and get some 200% boosts on the go. I'm at 149 so **** bucket rank is pending this weekend!!
I view the rank as a bit of a badge of honour, it proves nothing apart form the fact that I have spent far too much of my life playing this game.
Classic mode is a good choice for ex HC players. No 3D spotting, no auto health regen or auto repair. It plays out completely differently to normal mode and requires more teamwork to succeed.
HC is rubbish though.
We play normal servers. HC is too easy - anyone old noob can one hit kill someone.

I've always disagreed with this sentiment :P I used to play COD hardcore mode exclusively on bigger player load servers and frequently would put in scores in the region of 50-60 kills to 0-3 deaths per match which "shouldn't" be possible if everyone could just spray and pray and get kills. Just takes a very different skill set to normal mode.

(Never had an experience in BF4 like getting the last few kills for 2x nuke awards in one kill spree in MW2 heh - even though a bit pointless as 1 ends the map racking up 50 kills with no deaths is such an adrenaline pump for the last few kills)
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lol just realised today - the edition of BF4 I bought includes the vehicle shortcut bundle... for BF3 (which I didn't even own/play) - not a big deal but only noticed today... on the flipside I have items unlocked in BF4 for veteran players (BF3/BC2) without even owning those games.
**** virgin!

Problem is back again....

Could not join server (1)

This time, discord also disconnects so it's definitely my internet.....
Yeah that was a good round too!

Fed up with this POS internet now, just as soon as I think that error may be fixed... it happens AGAIN. Done with MP gaming until virgin sort this **** out, the problem is, it drops for like literally a second so it doesn't register on the thinkbroadband graph... No point playing if I can't even finish a round :(
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