I believe they get a little hat and a badge Nexus
A) Verbal warning that a visit from the prisoner justice system is coming
B) A Boiling hot concoction of cherryade, sugar, urine will be thrown into his face
C) His food and all possessions will be removed from him by force
D) He will admit to being a grass and be sent to the sex offender/poor coper area of the prison and thereafter be named a noncey grass.
I vote C so I can have his Swift.
Plus he has clearly already RTM'd a post as his "don muscle" has arrived.
Show some respect to your new UB, he has done some tireless snitching to get the opportunity to take it to the next level.
Well earned promotion.
Do you guys play normal or hardcore servers?
We play normal servers. HC is too easy - anyone old noob can one hit kill someone.
**** virgin!
Problem is back again....
Could not join server (1)
This time, discord also disconnects so it's definitely my internet.....