The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015


This is all I use

WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 142
WorldRender.PlanarReflectionEnable 0

to get your hax working don't forget to add the line

Doesn't your bot just create the best config file? Needs an update if not!

It does but the problem is, it creates one that is far 2 strong thus easily detectable, therefore, I have to fine tune the setting parameters so it becomes undetectable.


but i could write them if you want

Yeah I should have just said copy and paste :p


This is all I use

WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 142
WorldRender.PlanarReflectionEnable 0

to get your hax working don't forget to add the line


Won't be on till after 11 tonight, going to Ageas Bowl for big firework display and cooking homemade chilli and crusty bread rolls for the return home. Should warm us up nicely with a few brandys
Nexus, don't forget to add UseHazardWallHacks=1 ! ;)

The tears last night were served with an extra side of salt. :D
It's like people haven't heard of FLIR, 3d spotting and using the minimap.

Won't be on till after 11 tonight, going to Ageas Bowl for big firework display and cooking homemade chilli and crusty bread rolls for the return home. Should warm us up nicely with a few brandys

Hopefully on late and drunk this evening. :)
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No need for that but I have added:

InstaKill.HazardOnSpawn = 1


Won't be on till after 11 tonight, going to Ageas Bowl for big firework display and cooking homemade chilli and crusty bread rolls for the return home. Should warm us up nicely with a few brandys

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Speaking of gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...... I see that visceral are giving a free dlc pack for hardline, any one fancy playing some tonight/weekend?
I saw that, it seems to be BF HL night ops! :D
Apparently the gun balance has changed a lot.

Yeah I am up for giving it a go again as I really liked the infy play & maps overall, what killed it for me though was:

- gun balance (addressed by the looks of it)
- netcode (think this may have the latest changes now???)
- insta TTK (I think this is still the same but I can live with it if the above 2 have been addressed, the likes of the k10 combined with the above 2 really ruined the game for me)
Really liking the combination of MP7 and Magnum at the moment - MP7 gives you enough firepower to put down multi enemy (when the netcode isn't being ****) at close range and with controlled bursts effectively engage enemy at medium range, Magnum hip fired has nice stopping power against short range targets and switching to the 3x scope can engage snipers at the 300-400m ranges you find them on most maps and with a bit of luck and skill out to ~600m. (A little bit cheaty as not everyone has access to the scope :S).

As you can do this on the engineer class it gives you a pretty well rounded anti-infantry, anti-vehicle capability.
A) Verbal warning that a visit from the prisoner justice system is coming
B) A Boiling hot concoction of cherryade, sugar, urine will be thrown into his face
C) His food and all possessions will be removed from him by force
D) He will admit to being a grass and be sent to the sex offender/poor coper area of the prison and thereafter be named a noncey grass.

I vote C so I can have his Swift.


Plus he has clearly already RTM'd a post as his "don muscle" has arrived.

Really liking the combination of MP7 and Magnum at the moment - MP7 gives you enough firepower to put down multi enemy (when the netcode isn't being ****) at close range and with controlled bursts effectively engage enemy at medium range, Magnum hip fired has nice stopping power against short range targets and switching to the 3x scope can engage snipers at the 300-400m ranges you find them on most maps and with a bit of luck and skill out to ~600m. (A little bit cheaty as not everyone has access to the scope :S).

As you can do this on the engineer class it gives you a pretty well rounded anti-infantry, anti-vehicle capability.

I'm a massive convert to the mp7. Been using it for ~ 3 months now, nearly in the top 300 already :eek:
I blame Kiwi!
I always run it with a silencer. It's good for melting 2-3 at once. I had been using the groza4 before which is slightly more OP, but doesn't have a large enough mag for 3 people most of the time.

Feel free to RTM any one of these newbs HazardO.

^ Reported!!!

What happens to rats in prison again Josh?

:D :p

Don't tempt me! :p
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