The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Just great...I now can't play on some of my favourite servers due to this:

Violation information from
Ban Date: March 24, 2016 at 8:23:19 pm EDT
GUID: 5f5325df
Game: Battlefield 4
Violation: VIOLATION (WALLHACK) 69096

I got kicked from a server with the reason wallhack - I wasn't cheating, and was piloting a EOD bot at the time.

Just got a reply from evenbalance:

We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation.

To be clear: we are not saying that you cheated as we have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one playing on your computer ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then your GUID (cdkey and/or game account password) has been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. We do not have the means to help you find out who is responsible for compromising your GUID.

Complete joke, as there does not seem to be a real appeals process. Plenty of people seem to receive this ban :mad:
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Just great...I now can't play on some of my favourite servers due to this:

I got kicked from a server with the reason wallhack - I wasn't cheating, and was piloting a EOD bot at the time.

Complete joke, as there does not seem to be a real appeals process. Plenty of people seem to receive this ban :mad:

What's your in game name?

Had a good couple of games last night, can't believe I've still got a VIP slot on TM, and was even more suprised that after a month away I managed an mvp :D
69096 has happened as a false positive atleast twice now :S but I believe in both cases they reverted all incorrect bans and it isn't "supposed" to trigger erroneously any more.

Not that I'm accusing him of cheating but plenty of people with pretty average stats use wallhacks :(

I'm not even sure wallhacks would be much of an advantage in BF, what with commander UAVs, team 3d spotting, motion sensors etc etc.. :p
I keep getting the same error which I can't fix, welcome some pointers please.

PC version, all and every pack installed, but when I try to go into a game it keeps coming up and telling me I need to install a pack, which I have and is showing as installed in Origin.

Anyone noticed an increase of cheaters lately?

Im talking about blatant wall hackers when you watch them in spectator mode,looking at walls a lot and pre-firing corners always when someone is there but not when there isn't anyone.Not aimbot etc...pure wall hack/ESP.
yes its because as the game becomes cheaper people dont care just go blatant if caught just buy new key.

if you go in a tdm now say 64 man there is probably one or two in every game botting blatant wallhacks. can be fun.
Anyone noticed an increase of cheaters lately?

Im talking about blatant wall hackers when you watch them in spectator mode,looking at walls a lot and pre-firing corners always when someone is there but not when there isn't anyone.Not aimbot etc...pure wall hack/ESP.

Not saying people aren't cheating - but in normal mode with the right load out and good map knowledge, especially with an active commander, you can pretty much work out where most players are and when they are going to come around a corner.
Guys,If you see the clan [HOG] in your server beware they're scummy players,they will always have one guy on the opposite team giving your teams position away to his pals on the enemy team every time on Teamspeak,Such low skill players when they have to do that...they even got their guy to keep joining my squad when i called them out on it until i created my own squad and locked it. :D

Not that playing in a clan is enough of an advantage,they have to sort of cheat...low.
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Guys,If you see the clan [HOG] in your server beware they're scummy players,they will always have one guy on the opposite team giving your teams position away to his pals on the enemy team every time on Teamspeak,Such low skill players when they have to do that...they even got their guy to keep joining my squad when i called them out on it until i created my own squad and locked it. :D

Not that playing in a clan is enough of an advantage,they have to sort of cheat...low.

It doesn't surprise me that some people do this, I've seen plenty of examples of people handing key vehicle assets over to the other team. I like to win a game, but not at all costs. I always expected people to abuse spectator mode and TS as well.

Anyway, I've had my fill of the division, what with the outright cheaters and the overpowered glitchers making the DZ a no go a lot of the time, so it's back to BF4 for me on and off. If anyone needs a squad mate add me, I make a very good repper/gunner.
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