The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I do find the SMAW has a more predicatable arc and direction. I've had a few very good long range shots with it whereas I find the RPG does have a tendency to go a little wild at times or doesn't fly as straight as the SMAW. Nothing beats a Sniper eating a SMAW from 200 yards or more.
^^ I had to wonder how bad the average BF4 player had become yesterday - we were more or less topping the team the games I was on for despite various degrees of rusty and/or intoxication - its literally 5 months since I've done any serious online FPS gaming before yesterday. (Other than about 30 minutes playing Doom beta).
Netcode is frustrating the **** out of me but just managed to kill a fast moving jet with LAV's TOW which made my night heh.
Netcode is frustrating the **** out of me but just managed to kill a fast moving jet with LAV's TOW which made my night heh.

I can't take anything you say seriously on here to be honest when you constantly saying


i saw you standing still 30m away looking to the west while i shot at you from the south and i got the BS reply you give everyone :confused::confused::confused:
Also Ego grip is prob the worst thing you could use on any LMG or carbine
I can't take anything you say seriously on here to be honest when you constantly saying


i saw you standing still 30m away looking to the west while i shot at you from the south and i got the BS reply you give everyone :confused::confused::confused:
Also Ego grip is prob the worst thing you could use on any LMG or carbine

If its the incident I think then the BS reply wasn't to you in that instance - I was shooting someone near D flag and despite plainly landing several shots had no effect which ended up with me over committed and dying to you. (If the shots had registered I'd have been back into cover before you were in a position to shoot at me).

The other BS was because I'd landed 2 shots with the 338 Recon (and I have enough practise with it to know when it should be hitting) on you (or the other OcUK guy?) in the tower and neither registered and then died to you around 3 seconds after I'd fired.

I use ergo/vertical as I tend to run around a lot and I don't really struggle with controlling recoil, etc.
What is Netcode in this context?

Netcode is the generic term people use to describe the relationship between the server and the clients. Whether what you see on screen is actually what is going on at that moment (Is the enemy player really where your client tells you they are)

It also covers hit registration (You saw the bullet hit but does the server agree?)

And general lag and rubberbanding (You're running forward, but suddenly get thrown back 20 paces as the server doesn't agree that you could have got to where your client thinks it's got to).

Netcode is affected by all sorts of things including whether the server is overloaded, packet loss or high latency between you and the server, or your target and the server.

Battlenonsense has a range of videos which cover the BF4 "netcode", how bad it used to be, and how much it's improved.

@kiwi, I should be on from ~2pm BST to ~6pm and then again from ~9:30pm (Which I guess is just after lunch for you?). Up for some squad as well as BF4 if you don't mind carrying me a bit :p
HazardO any chance I could get an invite to the OcUK clan, I requested membership back when clan numbers were limited to 100 so got an auto decline, and now need to be invited. I'm not on tonnes, but would love a decent bit of squad play. My ign is DukeRaoul2010
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I can't seem to work out how to invite you unless you're on my friends list. Either apply and I'll accept or send me a friend invite so I can invite you.

BTW, gg lxxxRichxxxl
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I can't seem to work out how to invite you unless you're on my friends list. Either apply and I'll accept or send me a friend invite so I can invite you.

BTW, gg lxxxRichxxxl

That's me :) Yeah, we had a good run there.

I tried accepting your friend request but your friend list is full :(
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