The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

That reminds me - didn't know vehicles could go up lifts til today - we got a jeep onto the roof of the hotel on Hainan couple of games earlier.
Those LAVs are a nightmare for getting stuck in some of the most awkward places. Many games have seen me begging for 'a quick push' to get free :)
Thanks for the explanation HazardO. It certainly explains why I frequently get frustrated with the game.

You're welcome. I'd recommend watching some of those Battlenonsense youtube vids for more in-depth descriptions.

Also bear in mind the different recoil/spread behaviors of different weapons, and also bullet velocity. (At a distance you need to lead more when shooting a moving target if you have a lower bullet velocity).
Thanks for the explanation HazardO. It certainly explains why I frequently get frustrated with the game.

The problem with BF4 (depending somewhat on your sensitivity to it and play style) is that fundamentally it was programmed to try and reconcile events over far to wide a time period and that legacy is still there even with subsequent improvements to the networking. End results is that even today the overall consistency of your experience depends far more on the conditions of the clients around you than typical in other online FPS games.

I have quite a low tolerance for it as I generally play more of a run and gun reactive playstyle which I can pull off in most other games especially when I'm pinging 7ms to the server as I typically do these days but in BF4 its very hit and miss if it works out or not.

Also bear in mind the different recoil/spread behaviors of different weapons, and also bullet velocity. (At a distance you need to lead more when shooting a moving target if you have a lower bullet velocity).

That is the other thing :S especially the penalty for shooting on the move isn't very well represented visually on the client - it is easy to think you are suffering poor hit reg when infact it is just the penalty is being applied more than the client suggests visually. (EDIT: Wish they'd dial it down again as it used to be closer until they increased the penalty recently even though some people prefer it due to making the game a bit more tactical).
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One thing I find weird (and reflected in my stats) - I rarely if ever have any hit reg type issues with the G18 - I point at people, pull the trigger, they die, bullet hit or miss as I expect even toe to toe against someone with a better weapon they rarely kill me. While trying to do the same kind of thing with say the MP7 just doesn't have the same results even though on paper its a better weapon. If it wasn't for the limited range I'd just use the G18 most of the time :S

Despite the G18 having a lot of spread, etc. I believe I have the highest accuracy with it out of the automatic weapons - despite some of them being considerably more accurate weapons and its purely down to hit reg :S (and that is with a muzzle break on there as well).
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One thing I find weird (and reflected in my stats) - I rarely if ever have any hit reg type issues with the G18 - I point at people, pull the trigger, they die, bullet hit or miss as I expect even toe to toe against someone with a better weapon they rarely kill me. While trying to do the same kind of thing with say the MP7 just doesn't have the same results even though on paper its a better weapon. If it wasn't for the limited range I'd just use the G18 most of the time :S

Despite the G18 having a lot of spread, etc. I believe I have the highest accuracy with it out of the automatic weapons - despite some of them being considerably more accurate weapons and its purely down to hit reg :S (and that is with a muzzle break on there as well).

The mp7 is awesome, slap a silencer on it, and a laser sight. It's a hipfire spray monster. Also it's surprisingly effective at range if you burst. Currently No 67 mp7 abuser according to ;)
Great stuff, It's this kind of chat about weapons that I need. I have no friends that play video games (being mid 40s) and before picking up BF4 I hadn't played games for donkeys years.

The learning curve was brutal for me, I even stopped playing for ages. Many a game I'd be playing and get killed 20+ times with no kills myself. Took me about 50 hrs to realise I could switch seats in a vehicle by using the Fn keys. That gives you some idea how alien the FPS game was to me.
Great stuff, It's this kind of chat about weapons that I need. I have no friends that play video games (being mid 40s) and before picking up BF4 I hadn't played games for donkeys years.

The learning curve was brutal for me, I even stopped playing for ages. Many a game I'd be playing and get killed 20+ times with no kills myself. Took me about 50 hrs to realise I could switch seats in a vehicle by using the Fn keys. That gives you some idea how alien the FPS game was to me.

Maybe you should join us on Discord for a session at some point, you can pick up tips on the fly. We're not exactly teenagers ourselves (Also mids 40s me).

CSGO players will tell you BF4 has a low skill ceiling, but it doesn't. I was still learning a lot at 1000 hours, and knowing in theory what the best play at any point is still means you need to practice it so you get it right under pressure.

Take seat switching in a LAV..

Driver has TOW, gunner has Zunis selected as their secondary when driving.
Driver takes on enemy vehicle with TOWs and main cannon at distance, gunner reps. Firefight is over, but suddenly there's another LAV right in your face to deal with and the driver is out of TOWs.

A good play here would be for the driver to pop active protection, jump out and RPG the enemy LAV while the gunner grabs the driver's seat and uses his Zunis (Driver being out of TOWs doesn't stop the Zunis being available).

This sort of thing only really works, if you're practiced with your squad mates. Often if I'm in a LAV, and the enemy bails out of their vehicle, I'll drive up and nick theirs, and drive off to safety to rep it. Random gunners (The sort who never spot, barely shoot at any infantry threats and haven't a clue what the repair tool is for) will often just sit there in the gunners seat until someone C4s them. A squad mate who's clocked what your doing will take command of the vehicle and come and protect you while you rep the one you stole. Now you have more vehicles than the enemy it's going to be hard to fail.

Another tactic I've used with people when we're getting a lot of lockons is the double rep. If both the driver and the gunner get out to rep, the lockons break, so as long as your not knee deep in infantry you can quickly fully rep knowing that the enemy who've chosen to use skill less point and click launchers can't get a lock. Xonatic is particularly good at this. I think we've survived salvos of in excess of 10 MBT LAW hits using the double rep.

Oh and for weapons, do check out ;)
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