The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Cheers for the heads up - will give that a try.

Are most of you guys still in the OcUK "platoon" thing? Not been around much this week but hoping to get on for a few games over the weekend if I can.

My BL name is the same as the forum so feel free to add me - fair warning though, I'm pretty ****:D

Ahem, please fully star out swear words! ;)
(Family friendly forum and all that)

You'll get better with practice, I'm still getting better after over 1200 hours. We do like to PTFO though, not so much sniper hill camp ;)

Rroff likes to snipe, but he does play the objective as well.
HazardO ;)

I'll have to see if there's anyone I can remove first though which is becoming increasingly difficult to do without offending someone or other.

Are you in the platoon? you're welcome to join if you want. Also if you've got a mic, we often use Discord for in game VoIP. (See the sticky at the top of the pc games section).

I think I found your profile does it have a bird as a avatar? the send friend request function seems to be blocked out for some reason.

Kill Joy, was looking forward to seeing your ban hammer :p;):D

Call it what you like lol :D ;)

I don't have a ban hammer lol, anyway it's Swinbag who needs to edit, not Evian

I like it :) It looks like a cute alien creature and I'm never sure if that thing poking out the front is it's nose, it's mouth or it's **** :D
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Ahem, please fully star out swear words! ;)
(Family friendly forum and all that)

You'll get better with practice, I'm still getting better after over 1200 hours. We do like to PTFO though, not so much sniper hill camp ;)

Rroff likes to snipe, but he does play the objective as well.

My bad - amended.

I lack the required patience to snipe for more than 5 minutes so definitely more of a PTFO guy myself ;)

Not used Discord yet but seems pretty neat, will take a look.
My bad - amended.

I lack the required patience to snipe for more than 5 minutes so definitely more of a PTFO guy myself ;)

Not used Discord yet but seems pretty neat, will take a look.

If I get lazy I'll swap to the sniper class but that's rare now I've unlocked all my weapons. Discord is great, especially when we're team stacking and playing objectives aggressively. What is annoying, as again had to put up with last night, was the lack of engagement with the rest of the team. Us OcUK players will play objective but they will just sit on the outskirts and do nothing. Had a T90 on Zavod last night just 200m from the spawn doing sweet FA while enemy LAVs and Tanks push forward with nothing but infantry to stop them!
If I get lazy I'll swap to the sniper class but that's rare now I've unlocked all my weapons. Discord is great, especially when we're team stacking and playing objectives aggressively. What is annoying, as again had to put up with last night, was the lack of engagement with the rest of the team. Us OcUK players will play objective but they will just sit on the outskirts and do nothing. Had a T90 on Zavod last night just 200m from the spawn doing sweet FA while enemy LAVs and Tanks push forward with nothing but infantry to stop them!

That tank driver was so bad!.

I used to leave the vehicles to the pros, but noticed again and again that less aware players were taking them and not pushing at all leaving the entire team exposed to enemy vehicles. Now I'm accused of being a vehicle whore because I use them aggressively. I still have more kills with the mg4 than all of the vehicles put together, and more kills with the mp7 than any tank.

And how often do I get out of a vehicle I'm sharing with a squad mate for some random jellyhead to jump in and take my seat. There was one guy a couple of nights ago, nicked my gunners seat while I repped Squeeze, and wouldn't get out.
IIRC at the end of the round 15mins later he had 1 kill, and hadn't repped at all.

Sometimes you get the impression your team are actively trying to sabotage their own chances. :eek:

Yeah if I jump in a vehicle it's a bonus but i'm mostly infantry with SMAWS or AA.

There's two ways to run the AA IMO. The lame way is sit back at base and use your guns and active radar to rack up a good KD. This often ends in a round loss for the team as you can't cover enough of the battlefield, and you're not capping points.

The other way is to tail the other tanks up to about halfway across the map, relying on your 22mm cannons to clear the air for them (Thereby keeping them alive against pro pilots), and using thermals and zunis to swat the flies, while actually capturing flags.

Rule no1 though is go down with your vehicle, do not let it fall into enemy hands! The number of times we've turned a map in a matter of minutes because one of the enemy got scared and left their vehicle to us. ;)
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He was awful, truly!!

Yeah, I've had situations like that before, it's almost like they will jump into anything to get protection from infantry/vehicles to avoid dropping their KDR. ****es the hell out of me when they do it though, proper rage on. I do the same, don't bother getting out unless I have too lol
A couple more tips.

Use q to spot as much a s possible.

If you're going to jump in a tank or LAV as a gunner, run thermal optics, and incendiary grenade. That way you'll see anyone coming, and you can also get people hiding in buildings/behind walls or on roofs with the incendiary. Oh and remember to bring a rep tool!

Did I mention q? ;)
A couple more tips.

Use q to spot as much a s possible.

If you're going to jump in a tank or LAV as a gunner, run thermal optics, and incendiary grenade. That way you'll see anyone coming, and you can also get people hiding in buildings/behind walls or on roofs with the incendiary. Oh and remember to bring a rep tool!

Did I mention q? ;)

ha - just had a few rounds and put all my case fans on max. Top temp is now 66c with the new cooler :D:cool:
The way I like to run the AA is hit and run style. It's really fast and maneuverable so if you are constantly looking at your map you can out maneuver someone quite easily and get a nice salvo of Zuni's in the rear and then quickly finish them off as long as you time your APS. The trick with the AA is not to get caught out by another vehicle as its difficult to defend given the small health you have to start with. Also don't be afraid to use your main canon on vehicles - it definitely helps when you are waiting for your Zuni's to reload and can be useful for killing infy who may try to RPG you.

@Everyone - whos going GTX 1080?
@HAz I'll try and get on early Sunday mate. What time do you normally start playing?
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