The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Hi Guys, sorry to just jump in with this but I used to have BF4 running as smooth as a babies bottom and then I changed something but cannot remember what it is and my frame rate is now all over the shop.

Do you know of anywhere I can get some good settings for BF4 with Crimson 16.4.2 (I know we are up to 16.5.2 now but I want to sort the frame rate first).

Are there any good sites kinda dedicated to crimson settings with examples for differnet games etc..

thanks all
I usually used Youtube to look for some good setting, try them on test range, also windows 10 may be and issue. was it running smooth when on w7 and now poop on w10 ?
Anyone on this evening? I should be on for a couple of games around 8 and a late session from about 9:30.

Sidewinder, what happened to your internet last night?
Anyone on this evening? I should be on for a couple of games around 8 and a late session from about 9:30.

Sidewinder, what happened to your internet last night?

Haz I was playing yesterday early a bit, DMR's seem to be popular again.
Then I wanted to play later but Diablo 3 is keeping my interest so I play with the other Hazard, he is not bothered by BF for now :( stuck in-between rock and a hard place here. I want to play with you guys too.
I might be on today. I'll try.
Anyone on this evening? I should be on for a couple of games around 8 and a late session from about 9:30.

Sidewinder, what happened to your internet last night?

Yeah, I'll be on again as I have been all week lol. More team stacking FTW!! :D

Haz I was playing yesterday early a bit, DMR's seem to be popular again.

Then I wanted to play later but Diablo 3 is keeping my interest so I play with the other Hazard, he is not bothered by BF for now :( stuck in-between rock and a hard place here. I want to play with you guys too.
I might be on today. I'll try.

Hopefully you can make it :)
Connection kept dropping.

I'm not sure what is causing it but i will try to get on tonight for some games.

Give me a shout if you need some troubleshooting mate, Haz has me on steam you can drop me message there. Also hazard knows some but not too much about networks...just basics :D
Is the team stack too stronk ? cos Ive only seen like 3 PPL play yesterday.

I was out last night with some work mates, it's been really busy otherwise this week. :)

Connection kept dropping.

I'm not sure what is causing it but i will try to get on tonight for some games.

Hope they sort it out, I properly rage when virgin let me down.

Give me a shout if you need some troubleshooting mate, Haz has me on steam you can drop me message there. Also hazard knows some but not too much about networks...just basics :D

Just a little bit, as someone who's been employed for the last 10+ years designing and implementing testing rigs for DSL modems, ethernet routers and 10 and 40Gbit ethernet adapters ;)
I was out last night with some work mates, it's been really busy otherwise this week. :)

Hope they sort it out, I properly rage when virgin let me down.

Just a little bit, as someone who's been employed for the last 10+ years designing and implementing testing rigs for DSL modems, ethernet routers and 10 and 40Gbit ethernet adapters ;)

Blah, bearly any valuable info then :D

I have when virgins let me down, aww i have a headache, aww i am only 14 years old :DDD exuses :D
Give me a shout if you need some troubleshooting mate, Haz has me on steam you can drop me message there. Also hazard knows some but not too much about networks...just basics :D

Hope they sort it out, I properly rage when virgin let me down.

Cheers for the offers guys. I have a few working theorys about what may be causing it, but nothing concrete.

I had something similar happen a few years back. The internet just kept dropping out and no one, not even the BT guys, could figure out why. The problem just started one day, lasted for about 2 weeks then stopped just as suddenly as it had started.
Do you guys play on premium only servers? i only have china rising and dragons teeth now that it was free.

Normally we play on servers with the vanilla maps. We do on occasion try others though (We jumped on a Naval strike server for a couple of rounds with the MLG guys earlier in the week) . You should also be able to play on zavod night map and operation outbreak.
HazardO ;)

I'll have to see if there's anyone I can remove first though which is becoming increasingly difficult to do without offending someone or other.

Are you in the platoon? you're welcome to join if you want. Also if you've got a mic, we often use Discord for in game VoIP. (See the sticky at the top of the pc games section).
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If you've not played in awhile might have to temporarily remove heavy barrel if you are using it - it is one of those thing typically people get used to compensating for when actively playing but feel the full effect of when coming back to it after awhile.
Cheers for the heads up - will give that a try.

Are most of you guys still in the OcUK "platoon" thing? Not been around much this week but hoping to get on for a few games over the weekend if I can.

My BL name is the same as the forum so feel free to add me - fair warning though, I'm pretty terrible :D
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